The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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It is undoubtedly news for every rational person who knows how to speak, for God has told us that this is forbidden and this is permissible, and therefore God Almighty said in condemnation of those who say about God what He did not say, and do not say, “When your tongues describe lies, this is permissible and this is forbidden, so that you may slander me.” God is a lie, for He attached judgment to the news because it is news without a doubt, except that it is not within the power of humans in most things to recognize the ugliness of things or their beauty. So if we know the truth about them, we know them. Among them are those whose ugliness is understood by reason in our knowledge, such as lying and the disbelief of the benefactor, and his goodness by reason, such as honesty and gratitude for the benefactor, and the fact that the sin is related to something. Types of honesty and reward relate to some types of lying. That is for God. He gives the reward for whatever goodness

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And know that the most tormented by creation in Hell is Satan, who enacted polytheism and every transgression. The reason for that is that he was created from fire, so his torment is for what he was created from. The soul does not see through it the life of a sensitive body. So if he prevents the exit of that soul by hanging or suffocation, it is reflected back to the heart and burns it immediately. So he perished for the time being, for by the breath his life was, and by it his destruction and destruction were in fact by the breath, from his being a breather, not from his being a breath, nor from his being a breather only, but rather from the fact that he attracted by the attractive force the breath of cold air to his heart, and it came out by the driving force of the hot, burning breath. His heart was secure, so the reason for these conditions was by them his life.

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The one who is thrown into the fire is breathing, but he is not devoid of one of two aspects. Either he does not breathe in the fire, so his condition is that of the hanged person who is strangled with a rope, killing himself, or he breathes, and by force of gravity it attracts fiery, burning air that, if it reaches his heart, burns him. This is why we said about the reason for life. All of these matters are the torment of Satan in Hell, including the smelt that it contains. It corresponds to the fire, which is the origin of the creation of Satan, so his torment will be by the smelt and the fire that is compounded in it from the components of air, water, and dirt. He must be tormented by fire in a specific degree, and his general torment is in a way that contradicts what is common in the origin. His creation and fire are two fires: a sensory fire, which has control over his senses, his animality, and the outside of his body and his insides, and a moral fire, which is the one that

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There is no torment for souls more severe than ignorance, for it is all foolishness, and that is why it is called the Day of Deception. He means the day of torment of souls. He says, “Oh, woe to me for what I neglected.” And it is the day of heartbreak. He says, “The Day of Revealing: Whoever regrets the thing,” when I uncover it, it is as if he is saying, “Oh, I wish I had regretted this.” The matter is in this world, so I will be aware of my affairs, so he will be deceived in himself, and the deviant will realize on that day everyone, the obedient and the disobedient. The obedient one will say, “I wish I had done my best and fulfilled what was right of my ability and considered the words of my Lord and acted according to them even though He was happy.” And the disobedient one says, “I wish I had not disobeyed my Lord in what He commanded me and forbade me on that day.” Transgression, and this will come in the chapter on the Day of Resurrection, God willing .

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And when we informed you of the rank of the soul and breathing, we only brought it so that you would know that when Hell was characterized by the suffering of its inhabitants, the attribute of divine wrath, and its existence was specific to the Divine Descension of the Merciful, and in the authentic report, the soul of the Most Merciful felt the attribute of wrath.

So breathing was attached to the attribute of anger to whoever descended. And for this reason, when the breath of the Most Merciful came from Yemen, divine wrath befell the infidels with the killing and sword that befell the Ansar, so God withdrew from his religion and his Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. For if the wrath is found on the one who directs its wrath, it is relieved from him what he finds of the pain of anger, and the picture is completed in Muhammad. May God’s prayers and peace be upon him, so he used it against the infidels in order to repel the word of God with the characteristi

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Then know that God has placed in it one hundred depths corresponding to the stairs of Paradise, and for each depth there is a special group for whom, from the divine wrath that befell them, specific sufferings, and that the one responsible for their torment is among the governors whom we mentioned in the chapter before this from this book, Al-Qaim, Al-Uqlid, and Al-Hamid.

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