The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

In this vision, I saw one of the heights of the people of Hell, from it being Hell, not from it being Fire. God wished to take me out of it, and I saw in it a place called the Dark One. I descended at a level of about five stairs and saw its ruins. Then I was thrown into the water at a height, and I penetrated it. I saw wonder and learned about conditions. Their quarreling as they quarrel in Hell, and that quarreling is the same as their torment in that state, and that their torment in Hell is not from Hell, but rather Hell is their dwelling place and prison, and God creates pain in them whenever He wants, so their torment is from God and they are a place for Him .

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God created seven gates for Hell, and each gate has a portion of the world and divided torment. These seven gates are open, but there is an eighth gate that is closed and does not open. It is the door of the veil from seeing God Almighty, and over each door is an angel of the angels, the angels of the seven heavens. I knew their names there and they left me with the exception of Ishmael. He remains in my memory

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As for all the planets, they are in Hell, darkened bodies of great creation. Likewise, the sun and the moon, and the rising and setting of them, are always in Hell. Its sun is rising, not shining, and the formations depend on its course according to what befits that abode of creatures, and the forms that change in it through change and scattering. This is why God Almighty said: “They will be exposed to the Fire.” In the morning and in the evening, the situation continues. In the barzakh, there is exposure, and in the Hereafter, there is entry. The planets’ essences therein have the same image as the eclipse with us, except that the weight of those movements in that earth is different from their balance today, for its eclipse does not become clear, and it is an eclipse in itself, not in our eyes, and the air in it has a diminution, so it obscures sight. And between the perception of all the lights, the eyes see the scattered planets without the illumination of the bodies, just as i

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The unity of Hell after the end of the reckoning and the entry of the people of Paradise into Paradise from the concave of the orbit of the fixed stars to the bottom, all of this increases in Hell what is now not created in it, but that is prepared until it appears, except for the places that God has designated on earth, for they will return to Paradise on the Day of Judgment. The Resurrection is like the garden that is between the pulpit of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and his grave, may God bless him and grant him peace, and every place whose eyes are the street and every river, all of that will lead to Paradise, and whatever remains will return entirely to fire, and it is from Hell. This is why Abdullah bin Omar used to say, when he saw the sea, he would say, “Oh.” When does a sea return to fire? And God Almighty said, “And when the seas are kindled,” that is, they kindle a fire by kindling an oven when you kindle it. Ibn Umar disliked ablution w

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If God were to reveal it to the eyes of creation today, they would see it blazing with fire, but God reveals what He wills and hides what He wills, so that they may know that God has power over all things and that God has encompassed all things in knowledge. Most of what these pious people do is that they see forbidden food as a companion. Piety is preserved as a pig or a virgin, and a drink is wine, he does not doubt what he sees, and his companion sees it as a piece of good bread, and he sees the drink as fresh water, I wish I could see, who is the one with the correct sense, who is the one with the imagination? Is the one who has perceived the legal ruling an image, or is the one who has perceived the tangible thing in its usual state? < /p >

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This is what strengthens the Mu’tazila doctrine that what is ugly is ugly for itself and what is good is good for itself and that the correct realization is only for the one who perceived the forbidden drink as wine. If it were not that it was ugly for himself, then this revelation would not have been valid for its owner, and if his action was an eye, the discourse being related to prohibition and ugliness, that food would not have appeared to be pork. Whatever action occurred on the part of the accountable person, God revealed to him his image and that it was ugly, so that he would not go to eat it. This in itself is imagined for someone who perceives it as food as it normally is, but this person has more right in the Sharia, so he knows definitely that the one who sees it as food as he normally is has been prevented from the reality of the Sharia’s ruling on it as ugly, even if If the thing is ugly based on its positive ugliness, the legislator’s statement is not true in reporti

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