The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The spiritual aspect of this is that we discussed what it gives of nature and physical matters, and we talked about everything we mentioned in detail in the chapter on Sunday, which is the chapter on the Imam, and we explained what is in the hand of each of the seven representatives of the leaders in the chapter on Sunday and all other days until Saturday, and we explained the stations of the souls of the prophets upon them. Peace be upon that, and We made these spiritual titles for the souls of the prophets, peace be upon them, and explained their ranks in vision and veil on the Day of Resurrection, and what they speak of their followers among the people of happiness and misery . p>

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The sky will return to being bright as it was*** and its stars will fade away

This is to do justice to you who resides in its land *** and upon it its pillars and building were established

So God’s creation suffers most in it *** Whoever has a creation from it is its heaven

A robe of fire covers him with its light*** This is why his affliction is greater in souls

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Know, may God protect us and you, that Hell is one of the greatest creations, and it is God’s prison in the Hereafter, in which the rebellious and the polytheists are imprisoned. It is a dwelling place for these two sects, and the disbelievers, the hypocrites, and those who commit major sins among the believers. God Almighty said, “And We made Hell a barrier for the disbelievers. Then it will come out through intercession from those whom we mentioned and with divine gratitude from whomever the divine text came in.” Hell is called Hell because of the distance of its bottom, and it is said that the well of Hell if it is far from the bottom, and it contains hot and hot water, so in it is the cold at its greatest degree and the heat at its greatest degree, and between its top and its bottom is seventy-five hundred years .

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People disagreed about its creation, whether it was created yet or not, and the disagreement is well-known regarding it, and each of the two sects uses as evidence what he went to with what he sees as evidence for him. They also disagreed about Paradise. As for us and our companions, the people of revelation and definition, they are created, not created. As for our saying, “created,” it is like a man who wanted to build a building. A house, so he built all of its walls containing it privately. It is said that he built a house. When he entered it, he saw nothing but a wall surrounding a space and a square. Then after that, he builds its houses based on the belongings of those living in them, from houses, rooms, basements, halls, stores, and what should be in it, of what the resident wants to place in it of the tools that he It is used in the torment within it

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It is a burning abode with burning air, with no embers except the sons of Adam, and the stones taken as gods, and the jinn whose flame is. God Almighty said, “Their fuel is people and stones. And He said, ‘Indeed, you and what you worship besides God are the portion of Hell.’ And God Almighty said, ‘So plunge into it, they, and the deviants, and the jinn.’” Iblis loved everyone, and the machines spoke of the occurrence of the deeds of the jinn and humans who They enter it

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And God created her with the bull’s horoscope, and therefore her creation in the image was the image of a buffalo, whether this is what we rely on, and in this image Abu al-Hakam ibn Burjan saw her in his revelation, and he appeared to some people among the scholars of revelation in a living image, so he imagines that this image is the one that God created her in, like Abu al-Qasim. Ibn Qasi and others like him, and when God Almighty created it, Saturn was in Taurus, the sun and red were in Sagittarius, and all the pearls were in Capricorn, and God Almighty created them from His manifestation.

His saying in the hadith of Muslim: I was hungry and you did not feed me, I was thirsty and you did not give me something to drink, I was sick and you did not visit me.


This is the greatest revelation that the Truth has sent down to His servants in being kind to them. From this truth, Hell was created. May God protect us and you from it. For this reason, it has oppressed

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And all the pain that is created in it that those who enter it find is of the nature of divine wrath, and this only occurs when the creation of the jinn and humans enters it whenever they enter it. But if there is no one of its inhabitants in it, then there is no pain in it in itself or in the souls of its angels, but rather it is and is Therein are its zabanites who are in the mercy of God, immersed in pleasure, glorifying and not ceasing. God Almighty says, “And do not transgress therein, for My wrath will descend upon you. And whoever upon whom My wrath descends has fallen.” That is, My wrath descends upon you, adding wrath to it. And when it descends upon them, they are a place for it, and Hell is only a place for them, and they are descending. There is an illusion in place of anger And He is the one who descends upon them, for anger here is the same as pain. So whoever has no knowledge of those who claim our way and want to take the matter by representation, strength, and app

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