The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

[ The pain of Hell is a characteristic of the divine wrath descending upon its people. ]

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FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 297 من الجزء One

And all the pain that is created in it that those who enter it find is of the nature of divine wrath, and this only occurs when the creation of the jinn and humans enters it whenever they enter it. But if there is no one of its inhabitants in it, then there is no pain in it in itself or in the souls of its angels, but rather it is and is Therein are its zabanites who are in the mercy of God, immersed in pleasure, glorifying and not ceasing. God Almighty says, “And do not transgress therein, for My wrath will descend upon you. And whoever upon whom My wrath descends has fallen.” That is, My wrath descends upon you, adding wrath to it. And when it descends upon them, they are a place for it, and Hell is only a place for them, and they are descending. There is an illusion in place of anger And He is the one who descends upon them, for anger here is the same as pain. So whoever has no knowledge of those who claim our way and want to take the matter by representation, strength, and app


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