The sky will return to being bright as it was*** and its stars will fade away

This is to do justice to you who resides in its land *** and upon it its pillars and building were established

So God’s creation suffers most in it *** Whoever has a creation from it is its heaven

A robe of fire covers him with its light*** This is why his affliction is greater in souls

" lang="en-GB" /> The sky will return to being bright as it was*** and its stars will fade away

This is to do justice to you who resides in its land *** and upon it its pillars and building were established

So God’s creation suffers most in it *** Whoever has a creation from it is its heaven

A robe of fire covers him with its light*** This is why his affliction is greater in souls

"> ( Chapter Sixty-One: Knowledge of Hell and the greatest torment of creatures therein, and knowledge of some of the upper world )

The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

( Chapter Sixty-One: Knowledge of Hell and the greatest torment of creatures therein, and knowledge of some of the upper world )

(Check the original text in Arabic ...)

FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 297 من الجزء One

The sky will return to being bright as it was*** and its stars will fade away

This is to do justice to you who resides in its land *** and upon it its pillars and building were established

So God’s creation suffers most in it *** Whoever has a creation from it is its heaven

A robe of fire covers him with its light*** This is why his affliction is greater in souls


(... Another Random Quote)

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Please note that some contents are translated from Arabic Semi-Automatically!