The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Evidence and the knowledge of divine knowledge that has flooded the heart and dispersed its thoughts

If he gives you knowledge through inspiration that you achieve, then you are happy with it

< p style="color:#008000; text-align: center"> Like bees with different meanings *** Strong in their structure, solid

So you receive good On the goodness of origin *** And you alone are forever a martyr

And in the trees and the firm smell *** For her, from her actions, is a built palace

Do not be incapable of the Most High, *** and you are the master of ice scars.

For from you is the intention of goodness and choice. *** Just as you have destinations in your dwellings

So achieve and seek a sin

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Know, may God support you with a spirit from Him, that God Almighty commanded us to know His oneness in His divinity, but when the souls heard that from Him, despite the fact that they had looked with their thoughts and indicated the existence of the truth by rational evidence, rather by the necessity of reason, by the knowledge of the existence of the Almighty Creator, then they indicated the oneness of this existence that created them. And it is impossible for a necessary existence to exist for Himself, and it is necessary for there to be only one. Then they inferred what it is necessary for someone who is necessary to exist for Himself to be from the lineage through which what appeared from Him in terms of possibilities appeared and indicated the possibility of the message. Then the Messenger came and showed among the evidence of his truthfulness that he A Messenger from God to us, so we knew through rational evidence that he was the Messenger of God, so we did not doubt, and r

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Then, from some of what this legislator said to him, “Know your Lord,” and this wise man, if he did not know his Lord, which is the principle relied upon, he would not have believed this Messenger. The knowledge that the Messenger asked him to know his Lord must be other than the knowledge that he gave him as evidence, which is to practice it. In obtaining knowledge from God about God, he accepts it with insight into these matters that God has attributed to Himself and described Himself with, which the mind has attributed to His evidence, so it has been approved for him by his belief in the Messenger. Indeed, behind the mind and what it gives him with his thought is another matter, which gives knowledge of God that which the rational evidence does not give, but rather refers to in one word.

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If he knows this power, which he knows is beyond the stage of reason, is it still for him to judge what the mind was referring to in terms of his first thought to what it was, or not? If it is not left for him to judge that this is impossible, then he must find the way in which it occurred to him. The mistake is without a doubt, and that which he took as evidence for referring this to God was not evidence in the matter itself, and if this is the case, then what is that matter that is beyond the stage of the mind, for the mind may be correct or it may be wrong, even if it remains for the mind after revealing and verifying the validity of this matter that God attributed to Himself and described. Through Him Himself, and the minds of the prophets accepted Him, and the mind of this Revealer accepted Him without a doubt or doubt. Despite this, He judges God that this matter is rationally impossible in terms of His thought, not in terms of His acceptance. Then it is correct for that pos

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This is one of the most astonishing things for us when a person imitates his thought and view while he creates something like him and is one of the human powers that God created in him and made that power a servant of the mind, and the mind imitates it in what this power gives it and knows that it does not exceed its rank and that it is incapable in itself of having judgment. Another power, such as the preservative, visual, and imaginative power, and the powers that are the senses, such as touch, taste, smell, hearing, and sight. Despite all of these shortcomings, the mind imitates it in knowing its Lord, and does not imitate its Lord in what He tells about Himself in His Book and on the tongue of His Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace. This is one of the most amazing things that has happened in the world. It is wrong

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Every thinker is subject to the rule of this error, without a doubt, except for those whose insight God has enlightened, so he knows that God has given everything its creation, so He has given hearing its creation, so that it does not go beyond its perception, and He has made the mind in need of it, from which it derives the knowledge of sounds, the division of letters, the change of words, and the diversity of languages, so it differentiates between...

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