The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

He does not come to each sect except with what is dominant among them, and his goal is not for the righteous except for them to be ignorant of him in taking from him. If they are ignorant of him and attribute that to God and do not know by what path he reached them, it is as if he was convinced of this amount of ignorance among them and knew that they are under his authority, then he continues to lure him. In his benevolence so that he may be able to believe in his thoughts and that they are from God, so he will be stripped of his religion just as a snake is shed of its skin. Do you not see the image of the skin peeled off from it on the image of a snake? This is the case.

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Satan came to Jesus, peace be upon him, in the form of an apparently old person, because Satan has no access to the interior of the prophets, peace be upon them, in the way that the thoughts of the prophets, peace be upon them, are all either divine, possessive, or psychological. Satan has no share in their hearts, and whoever protects from the saints in the knowledge of God He is like this in the infallibility of what he receives, not in the infallibility of his arrival to him. The guardian who is being cared for is a sign from God regarding what Satan throws at him, and the reason for that is that he is not a legislator, and the prophets are legislators, so their inner beings are infallible.

So he said to Jesus, peace be upon him, O Jesus, say no. There is no god but God, and he was satisfied with obeying His command in this matter. Then Jesus, peace be upon him, said, “I say it, no, to your saying, ‘There is no god but God.’” So he returned, disappointed.


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Satan convinces a person to confuse him to this extent, so he does not distinguish between what is from God in terms of what is from God, nor between the path of kingship, the soul, and Satan. God makes for you a sign by which you will know the levels of your thoughts and from what satanic thoughts will be known by, even if they are in obedience. By not being fixed on one matter and quickly changing from one thing to another to think of another matter, he is careful, and he is created from the flame of fire, and the flame of fire is fast-moving, so the origin of Satan is not to remain in one state in the origin of his origin, so he is by virtue of his origin, and man has steadfastness, for he is from the dust, so he has cold and dryness, so he is steadfast. In his work, likewise, psychological thoughts are constant as long as they are not disturbed by the angel or the devil. What is related to the origin of satanic thoughts is only what is forbidden, whether it is an act or omissi

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I have informed you of Satan’s entrances into the souls of the world so that you may warn him and ask God to give you a sign by which you will know him. God has given you the scales of Sharia law and has distinguished for you between its duties and mandates and what is permissible and what is forbidden and what is disliked. He stipulated that in His Book and on the tongue of His Messenger. If the thought of something forbidden or disliked occurs to you, then learn. It is from the devil without a doubt, and if it occurs to you to risk something permissible, then you know that it is without a doubt from the soul, so Satan has to risk the forbidden.

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