The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Accidental, and fear in humans is stronger than in animals except the cockroach. The Arabs say that he is more cowardly than a cockroach. The reason for his strength in humans is the mind and intellect with which God has distinguished him over all other animals. Nothing encourages man except imaginary power, and he also with this power increases cowardice and fear in specific situations, for delusion Powerful authority, and the reason for this is that human kindness is generated between the divine spirit, which is the merciful soul, and the created body, modified from the modified elements of nature, which God made subjugated under the universal soul, just as He made the pillars subjugated under the rule of the power of the spheres .

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Then the animal body is oppressed under the authority of the pillars, which are the elements, so it is oppressed by the oppressed by the oppressed, which is the soul by the oppressed, which is the mind, so it is in the fifth degree of oppression from a standpoint, so it is the weakest of the weak. God Almighty said, “God is the One who created you from weakness, so weakness is its origin, then He made for it.” Transient strength, which is His saying, “Then He made after weakness strength, then He returned it to its origin of weakness.” Then God Almighty said, “Then He made after strength weakness and gray hair.” This final weakness only prepared him for establishing the afterlife upon him, just as the emergence of this world was based on weakness, and you knew the first origin .

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Rather, this was to keep himself in humiliation and need, and to ask for help and the need for his Creator, and despite all of this, he would be astonished from his origin and lost with the strength that was presented to him, so he would pray and say, “I am” and wish himself to encounter the horrors of the bones. If a flea was bitten, he would show alarm at the presence of the pain and hasten to remove that damage, but he did not even come close to resolving it. He finds him and kills him. And what could it possibly be a flea that he would take such great care of him and shake him from his bed and not let him sleep? So where is that claim and undertaking great horrors when the pinch of a flea or a mosquito exposed him? This is his origin. This is so that he may know that his undertaking the great horrors is through others, not himself, and this is what God supports him with. From that, as he said, and we supported it, that is, we strengthened it, and for this reason he legislated,

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And when man knew that if there were no existence of God Almighty, no eye would appear to him in existence and that its origin was not a mentioned thing. God Almighty said, “And I created you before, and you were not a thing.” Existence has pleasure and sweetness, which is good, and the illusion of concrete nothingness causes severe, great pain in the souls that knows no amount. That is except for the scholars, but every soul fears from nothingness that it will join Him as it is in its own state. Whenever it sees something in which it imagines that it will join it out of its sight or with something close to it, it flees from it and is terrified and fears for its own eyes and since it was also about the Divine Spirit, which is the soul of the Most Merciful, and for this reason it is called “breathing” to suit the soul, so he said. And I breathed into him of My spirit, and likewise Jesus was made by breathing into a clay image like the form of a bird

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Souls only appear from the breaths, but the place they pass through undoubtedly has an effect on them. Do you not see the wind? If it passes over something stinking, a stinking wind comes to your smell, and if it passes through something fragrant, it brings a good wind. That is why people’s souls differed, so there is a good soul. It has never been associated with a good body, nor has it been a place for immorality, like the souls of the prophets, saints, and angels, and an evil spirit for an evil body has never ceased to be polytheist, a place for immoral things. This is due to the predominance of some natures, I mean, humors, over others, in the origin of the body’s creation, which is the reason for the goodness of the soul and the presence of good morals and their immorality, and the wickedness of the soul is the truth. The souls and their well-being are the noble morals that they acquired from the upbringing of their racist body, so they brought with them all the good, the goo

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