The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

From their backs when he said to them, “Am I not your Lord?” Did any of them say, “Yes, no, by God.” Rather, they said, “Yes,” so they acknowledged his lordship because they were in the grip of the Taker. They were confined. If they had testified that their forelocks were in the hand of God, the testimony of an eye or faith, like the testimony of an eye, like the testimony of taking, they would not have disobeyed God for the blink of an eye. Like all creatures, they glorify God day and night without faltering. When they revealed these merciful names, they said, “O our Lord, why did you create us?” He said, “To worship you,” that is, to be humiliated in My presence. They did not see the quality of oppression, nor the power of pride that would humiliate them, especially since He said to them, “Be humble before Me.” He added the act of humiliation to them, so they would have increased their arrogance in doing so. If he had said To them, I did not create you except to humiliate you. T

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The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said that the soul of the Most Merciful, so he pointed to the name with which He created the two heavy things and combined with it the direction of strength, and said: “Before is the right,” and “before is the direction” and “the direction,” and “the right” is from the right, which is strength. The poet said

If a banner is raised for glory ***, he receives it with the right hand.

He wanted by force, for the right hand is the place of power, and the heavens are folded in his right hand. And so it was when he looked at the Most Gracious Name from which he found victory over Hands of the Ansar

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And likewise His saying, “On the day We will gather the righteous,” for the pious is the one who is cautious, fearful, and fearful, and no one will bear witness to the Most Merciful, the Compassionate, and fear him. Rather, what is witnessed is the pious, quick to judge, severe in punishment, the arrogant, the mighty, so he fears and fears, so God Almighty will secure him by gathering him to the Most Merciful, so he will be safe from the power of the Mighty, the Compassionate, and for this reason

< p> God Almighty said about us that His mercy preceded His wrath

Because it was through mercy that He created us, He did not create us with the quality of oppression. Likewise, disobedience was delayed, so anger was delayed from mercy in the two heavy things, so God makes their judgment in the Hereafter likewise, even if it is after a while. You will not see God Almighty when He mentions. His names are for us. He begins with the names of mercy and delays the names of pride b

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