The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

His hereafter, nor from one who is foolish in the areas of his dream and arrogant in the areas of his humility, nor from the one who has lost passion in the areas of his nature, nor from the one who becomes angry with the truth if it is said to him, nor from the one who abstains from the like of what a rational person desires, nor from the one who renounces the wise in the like of it, nor from the one who is independent of abundance from his Creator. God Almighty and Most High is little.

Gratitude from oneself, nor from one who seeks justice from others for himself and does not do justice to others from himself, nor from one who forgets God in the areas of his obedience and remembers God in the areas of need for Him, nor one who accumulates knowledge and becomes aware of it and then his whims are preferred by his learner. Nor one who has little shyness before God for His beautiful concealment, nor one who neglects to be grateful for His blessings, nor one who is unable to

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Luqman said to his son, “Sit with the scholars and crowd them with your knees. Indeed, God, glory be to Him, revives dead hearts with the light of knowledge just as He revives the dead earth with the rain of the sky. Beware of quarreling with the scholars, for wisdom came down from the sky pure, so when men learned it, they diverted it to the whims of their souls .”

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We narrated on the authority of Dhul-Nun al-Misri that he said: Whoever looks at people’s faults will be blind to his own faults, and whoever is concerned about Paradise and Hell will be distracted from gossip, and whoever runs away from people will be saved from their evil, and whoever is grateful for more, it will be increased for him. Some of them said that the example of a scholar who desires the world. The one who is keen on seeking her desires is like a doctor who heals others and a nurse himself, so there is no hope of righteousness from him, so how can he heal others?

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Some of the saints who know God were asked what causes sin. He said it is caused by the look and from the dangerous look. If the danger is averted by returning to God, it will go away, and if you do not realize it, it is mixed with obsessions, and lust is generated from it. All of this is after an inner dimension that does not appear on the limbs. If the lust is averted, otherwise it is generated from it. If the request is fulfilled, otherwise the action will be generated from it.

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It includes a prophetic commandment

Jesus, peace be upon him, said in some of his sermons to the Children of Israel: O scholars and jurists, you have sat on the path of the Hereafter, but you will not walk in it, so you will enter Paradise, and you will not leave anyone who will allow you to enter it, and the ignorant person is more excused than the scholar, and neither of them has an excuse

Some righteous people said: Whoever abandons work for the sake of the worldly pleasures is an ascetic. Whoever is fair in affection and upholds the rights of people is humble. Whoever suppresses anger, tolerates injustice, and adheres to patience is forbearing. Whoever adheres to justice, abandons the frivolity of speech, is concise in logic, abandons what does not concern him, and is economical in his affairs, is sane. And whoever devotes himself to matters that are close to God and is freed from the sorrows of the world, if you do not eat you will die, if you are full you will be

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From a righteous man who advises the servants of God, and one of his companions who was present said to him: Give us a commandment, perhaps God will benefit us with it. So he, may God be pleased with him, said, “Give God preference over all things, use honesty in what is between you and Him, love Him with all your hearts, adhere to His door, be occupied with Him, and protect death.” When you sleep, keep it in mind. When you rise, be as if you have no need for this world, but you must have the afterlife, and guard your tongues, and let your sins grieve you, and let your pride be in your Lord, and be of those who are sincere in God. Be safe and safe from among the people, so you will receive from us tomorrow. Then he said, “Ask forgiveness from God, for speech has sweetness in this world, and how great is its supply in The Hereafter, then he said, “That He may question the truthful ones about their truthfulness, and without what I said is sufficient.

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The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, recommended it to Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him. Let us mention from it what God has made easy for my pen, with which I create pictures of letters indicating meanings. In such a case I said, “I address the servant who lights the lamp for me, so that I may write what God delivers.” I am in awe of the divine secrets and divine knowledge.

I lead the lamp, perhaps I will be able to see it*** and create the assembly engraved on the paper .

You don't see a dish intending to serve it *** unless he tells the conditions about a dish

in letters It has no limit to limit it *** Its meanings appear to the eye in an arrangement

The upper pen traces its image *** On my hand always as long as I hold my gaze < /p>

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