The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And indeed, it has a shock in the world of creation *** when it occurs in times of boredom and hardship .

From Mahmud Al-Aghafat, turning away, he said, turn away from those who turn away. From the remembrance of God, which is His saying, “And turn away from the ignorant, because he who turns away from the remembrance of God turns away, so show him his characteristic in your turning away from it, so that he may be alert, for he resents your turning away from him because of the pride he has in himself, for your turning away from him is humiliation towards him and indifference to him, and he only disagreed with you so that you could resist him, not so that you could turn away from him.” If you turn away from turning to him, if you follow him, your following increases his revulsion or lack of attention. If you turn away from him and turn your back to him just as he turned his back to you, he does not feel the feet behind him. He is g

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And from that

Except that mentioning the male is safer from deception *** if that male is semen on a male

So say to the one by whose grace the evidence said *** Indeed, the remembrance of the remembrance is safer from deception

The remembrance of the remembrance is safer from deception. He said the remembrance of the remembrance is like praise, praise, and praise be to Him. The most truthful of praises, without a doubt, and the most fulfilling of them. Likewise, the remembrance of the remembrance is the most useful of the remembrances and the most truthful is testimony to the remembrancer. If the remembrance mentions you, he only remembers you from his position, and his position is dear, and in that case you remember him, so he will be as he is the truth. If we call him the King of the Kingdom, then this is your inheritance of this divine name. He said, “If the attributes a

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And from that

Except that the attribute of truth appears in creation*** and in what I said I was at the forefront .

If the condition of the servant is like this, then he *** will be generous with what is consumed by me and does not remain.

What exceeds the one who, if he bears witness to the attribute of truth, responds, the knower said, “Who looks on?” Impossible in terms of its appearance by the attributes of the Truth, so the attribute is venerated wherever it appears unless the subject imagines that the glorification is His. So the scholar, if he is wise, must not show glorification of the attribute due to the matter that happens to the subject that leads to its destruction. If he does that, he must be admonished if he is not entitled to punishment. A person either attaches the place to the attribute, or he attaches the attribute to the place. If he attaches the place

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And from that

That the evidence is curtains and has been drawn *** from the jealousy of the truth, spilling over the sanctuary

Whoever circumambulates it, his state will be of no use *** from circumambulating the House of God in the Sanctuary

Whoever stops with the evidence deprives the signified, he said, whoever stops at something has it. So stand with the truth and be for the truth without creation, and beware of standing with the truth since it is evidence for itself, for if you stand with it to this extent, you will deprive it, because the evidence and the signified never come together, for the one who looks at a thing in its being such-and-such is only looking at the ruling, not at the thing. From the perspective of his eye, then the eye of that thing is forbidden, and you do not look at it from the perspective of what is witnessed to you, so you see it in terms of

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Among those who know that his work will be seen will not worship others.

Be sincere to your Lord whatever work you perform*** and be fearful of that work.

And know that you are responsible and dependent on what you have brought, and beware of shame .

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