The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Through Him He unites me with Him alone *** That is why He appears when He appears and conceals Him

God Almighty says: Did He not know that God sees? And it is true that He made clear God and the world have made a lineage, so it is obligatory for every rational person to ask for his lineage so that eligibility is valid and confirmed for the sake of inheritance. He said, “Then We bequeathed to the Book those whom We have chosen from among Our servants as an inheritance. We have made clear that through writing, meanings are created by combining letters with their specific meanings by indicating them. He gave the world creation, so it creates one another, creating instruments with the hand.” The maker, do you not see that the maker with the machine does not make unless the machine is, and the machine has no effect on the product unless the maker moves it, so it depends on it as it stops on him, so he does not say “be” until he wants,

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And from that matter in the matter

The matter is what we are in and He creates it *** and He does not create anything that He does not know

p style="color:#008000; text-align: center"> The Book of God has come to us, teaching us *** Whoever thinks about it will understand it

God has bestowed it upon whomsoever He wills, and if *** its secret appears to him immediately, He rules over him

What was mentioned in the Book of God is His Almighty’s saying, “Does He not know who He created?” He said the matter in His saying, “Every day is in a matter,” and there is nothing but the action, which is what It exists in every day of the smallest days, which is time, the individual and indivisible. And the verb if the subject is not acting by itself, that is, things are affected by it for its own sake. Otherwise, when the object for it is found, it must have a form that is the sa

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Among this is the acquisition of closing the door

The acquisition of closing the doors *** in what we hope for from the acquisition

If it is true that I earned money, it is true that I am *** from his family, so my lineage is valid.

For I am And by virtue of his existence *** I bore witness to that with him. My account

I am a martyr who knows our affairs*** We are not out of sight by absence

God knows that I have what *** has said about knowledge, Hashu Ihabi

When I knew its majesty and beauty *** I knew that the matter was a mirage

He said, “Acquisition works in earning, and what exists is acquired because it has been described by what it acquired, so it was not descri

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And from this, only he who fears is feared

God is more deserving of our fearing *** than every creature of ours that we touch

If you fear God, you will be successful*** and the same is true when you fear the one who fears Him

He who fears God fulfills His commands *** and His prohibition is a contract if he detests it.

God protects the secret of a certain servant *** If he is certain that he has revealed it

Replacing it with that is a reproach *** when secret, banishing him in his path .

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