The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Today is the same tomorrow, so strive to be here among those who see things as they are. Your evidence for that is that the one whom God created is blind, and he is called blind. If he sleeps, he does not see in sleep, just as he does not see when awake, and if a blind person sleeps blind, he wakes up blind, and sleep is a lesser death, so it is The eye of death in that the presence to which the sleeper moves is the same place to which the dead moves, and awakening after sleep is like being resurrected after death. And whoever is blind in this life will be blind in the Hereafter and more astray from the path, i.e., more blind, and this is the most fearful sign for the knower, unless then something I warn you about. It is that if he were blind here and died blind, he would be blind in the afterlife, but no one here will be blind before moving on, even with one breath, but the one who was created blind is not blind after he has seen, for the cover must be lifted and he will see, for

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Among this is the one who is certain of the exit but does not ask for ascension. He said, “If it is necessary to return to Him, then know that you are with Him from the first footing and He is the first breath. Do not tire yourself seeking ascension to Him. It is only your departure from your will. Do not witness it, for He is with you wherever you are, so do not set eyes on anyone but Him.” It remains for you to know Him, because if you recognized Him and knew Him, you would not seek to ascend to Him, for you have not lost Him. If you see someone seeking Him, then He is seeking His happiness on His path, and His happiness is the remission of pain from Him, and nothing else, wherever He is. The ignorant is all ignorant who seeks what will happen. No one is more ignorant than the one who seeks God, if you believe in His words. God Almighty is with you wherever you are, and by His saying, “Wherever you turn, there is the face of God,” you would know that no one sought God, but rathe

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Among that is the taste of torment for the loved ones, some of the heirs of the People of the Book

The torment was tormented by the sight of the loved ones *** when their eyes were seeing what was wrong with me


The torment is nothing but separation from my loved ones *** The pleasure is seeing loved ones

He who inherits the book said that he is unjust to himself by trying hard on him, so he is unjust. His soul is entitled to what it has for itself. At the time, he is the owner of torment and pain that he does not want to ward off, because he was tormented by it and it was easy for him to carry it along with what he seeks, for he seeks his happiness, for the book joins meaning to meaning, and meanings do not accept joining meanings until they are deposited in letters and words, so if the words and letters contain them, they are accepted. Some of them are joined to each o

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Among that is ignorance - concealing oneself from one's family. He said

Indeed, the ignorant among God's people hides themselves *** And God knows what He will bring and what He will leave

And the family knows what the Most Merciful does*** or some of it, so beware of it, it is dangerous

If I had hope in something that is not effective *** intimidation and caution would not have benefited me

But we have hope and belief in it *** and it does not follow me in We taught human beings

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