The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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It is known that there is nothing but a place and a state, meaning that there is nothing then except he who accepts color, for example, and color, so what is colorful, and what then except he who accepts life and life, what is living, and what then except he who accepts motion and movement, so what is moving

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Among these is what combines the back, the belly, the limit, and the one emerging from the chapter 417 He said, “There is nothing but that it has an outside and an inside, a unit and a rising. So the apparent of it is what its form has given you, and the inner is what has given you that upon which the form is held, and the definition is what distinguishes it from other things, and the emerging of it is what gives you access to it if You were revealing with it and everything you were not revealing with, but you did not reach its beginning. He said, “There is no difference between these four matters for everything and the four comprehensive divine names, the apparent name, which is what the evidence gave him, and the hidden, which is what the Sharia gave him of knowledge of God, the first with existence, and the last with knowledge, and He is with everything. He is the All-Knowing, so the pronoun refers to the first pronoun in He is the First, so the matter is from unseen to the uns

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Among this is the equality of the path in seeking the truth with evidence from Chapter 418. He said, “There is no path to knowledge of God with theoretical evidence, and knowledge of God cannot be reached except by defining God, for knowledge of God is imitation.” He said, “revealing is greater in confusion than the mind’s proof of it other than definition.” He said, “It is light, so it has burning.” Other than Him, it is not revealed, that is, it is not perceived by revealing.

It was said to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, “Have you seen your Lord?” Noor said, “Indeed, I see Him.”

With proof, only his existence is known. In what form will he be revealed until he is seen? And he said, “Waad.” People saw it, and it was mentioned about some people that they are veiled, so what is veiled is visible to everyone, but he does not know. He said, “With the mind, he knows and does not see, and with revelation, he sees and does not know.” And i

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Among this is seeing horrors in conditions from Chapter 419. The author of Mahasin al-Majlis said: Actions are for reward, conditions are for karamat, and desires are for attaining, and karamat is nothing but the violation of customs in general, and they are customs in particular, so that is why it is horrified by the common people, and the wise person said that it is horrific by the usual and the unaccustomed, and for that reason he said in the usual, that in that. “For signs for a people who understand.” He said, “Whoever looks at all matters, both habitual and unaccustomed, with the eye of truth, he will not be astonished by what he sees, nor by what appears, even though it is venerated in his sight, for it is one of the rituals of God. And whoever venerates the rituals of God, then it is from the piety of hearts.” He said, “Everything in the universe is a sign for him, and nothing of it comes into the hand.” E

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And from that is a warning: Do not match the divine light from Chapter 42 and < He said: “The truth is not comparable to Him, because there is nothing like Him. God is only one God.” So where is the comparison? He said, “The attributes of resemblance are legitimate comparison, so you are not imitating.” And he said, Reason contradicts comparison, and the law confirms and denies, and belief in what the law brought. It is happiness, so the wise person does not go beyond what God has prescribed for him. The wise man said, “The one who abandons his mind and follows His law with his mind because he is a believer.” He said, “The most perfect of minds is reason equal to his faith, and He is Mighty.” He said, “If the mind were to dispose of it, it would not be reason. The exercise is for knowledge, not for the mind.” And he said.

The mind has a core and the door has dreams *** and the prohibitions in the existence of the universe have ru

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Among these are the stations of scholars regarding the heaven, the throne, and blindness, from Chapter 421. The learned scholar said, “The truth descends wherever it descends itself, and no more is added to it, but it is necessary to know the time, for the time of His ascension on the throne is not the time of His descent to the heaven, nor the time of His being in the darkness,” and He said the ruling that He accompanies the truth and is not judged by a specific time. He is with you wherever you are. He is in the Throne with those surrounding it. In that state, He is descending with the spirits of ascension and descent. In that state, He is in the sky, addressing the people of the night. And in that state, He is on earth, that is, an existent other than God, who is described with these attributes. That is God, your Lord; there is no god but Him. So how will you turn?

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Among that is attaching the younger to the older from Chapter 422. He said, “She,” and she pointed to him, returning the pronoun from “to” to “the expert,” so they said, because of the rulings they have on the citizen, “How can we speak to someone who is a boy in the cradle, even if he is ?”

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