The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And of that, of your goodness, it confuses you from Chapter 4 and < and < He said: The highest councils have not called for a dispute except to give a choice regarding expiations, and the choice is confusion, for he asks for what is more likely or what is easiest, and this is not known except with evidence, so a ransom of fasting, charity, or rituals, his expiation is feeding ten poor people from the middle. What you will feed your families, or clothe them, or free a slave. And he said, “If the truth gives you the choice in matters, then look at what He has presented of them with remembrance, and act upon them. For what He has presented until you are concerned with it and with you, it is as if He has warned you to take it. Confusion about the choice does not go away except by taking what is before.”

The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, recited when he wanted to run during the Farewell Pilgrimage: Al-Safa and Al-Marwah are among the rituals of God. Then

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Among these are the acquaintances in the acquaintances from Chapter 401. He said: All the gifts of truth are with the knower, but they are acquaintances of God that the non-knower knew about them, and the knower knew them, and he said: The knower did not know them to the exclusion of anyone else except because he took them from the hand of God when he heard God say, “The hand of God is above their hands, and those who pledge allegiance to you are only They pledge allegiance to God, and the acquaintances of the truth said, bestowed upon him and his blessings upon his servants. He did not inform you of anything of it except that that thing of yours would bring you back to Him. It is a supplication to the Truth in His favor for what he saw in you of neglect of Him, so he became endeared to you with blessings. He said, “The gifts of the Truth are all yes, except that the blessings in general are in agreement with the purpose.”

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This includes proving the ruling without knowledge from Chapters 4 and <2 . He said, “The ruling of the judge is proven by the pure Sharia by the witness and the oath. The oath may be immoral, and the testimony is false, so there is no knowledge while the ruling is proven.” The judge said, “The judge is correct in the ruling, for he is the possessor of knowledge, because God does not rule except by what He knows, and He is the One who It is prescribed for him to rule, and according to what he most likely thinks, then he has the predominance of suspicion, and God has knowledge. The ruler said: He who is entrusted by God to rule without a request, and whoever takes it from a request, then he is not the ruler of God, and he is responsible. And he said.

The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, “Indeed, We do not assume this matter of ours from his request.

With such a thing his caliphate is established, and caliphate is something additional to the me

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Among that is the equality in Al-Manawi from Chapter 403. He said, “Whoever has made a complaint to you, in his own mind has made you equal, and he may not have this status.” He said, “If the truth afflicts you with harm, then ask it to remove it from you, and do not resist it by being patient with it.” He did not call you patient except because you withheld yourself from asking other than the truth to reveal it. The harm he inflicted on you, and he said, “The matter of Job, peace be upon him, was not told to you except that you might be guided by his guidance. If the Messenger is the master of mankind, he will be called, ‘Those are those whom God has guided,’ so follow his example. What do you think of the follower?” He said, “Some of the knowers became hungry and cried.” He was told about that, and he said, “I only made me hungry so that I could cry.” This is the knower.

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Among these is the one who is fair and not described from Chapter 404. The investigator said he has no attribute because everything belongs to God, so do not say that the Truth described itself in what is ours, which is not permissible for it. This is bad etiquette and a denial of the Truth in what it described itself with. Rather, it is according to the knowledgeable and authoritative person who possesses that attribute. Without adaptation, all are attributes of the Truth, and if creation is characterized by them, then they are borrowed. What is in them is by way of entitlement according to the veiled, in the way that is not permissible for the Truth. And the poor person did not know that what is not permissible for the Truth is that ratio by which you attribute it to the creation, not the same attribute, and he said, “What then is an attribute.” Except divine, and it is a loan to the creature, just as He is a loan in existence. He said, “We have God’s deposits with us. He deposi

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Among this is the one who is not limited by a place and is not restricted by time from Chapter 405. He said: “Everyone who can limit it, the circumstances contain it, even if he is ignorant,” and he said, “Where ”

His saying, may God bless him and grant him peace, “Indeed, God has ninety-nine names ”

> And he mentioned it from his saying, or I have kept it alone in the knowledge of your unseen, and I cannot count your praise, and praise of Him is only by His names. Insofar as they are indications of it, it is confined to each name, a name, as it indicates it and the meaning that came to it, and he said, just as it is not necessary from above to prove direction, so it is not necessary from Istiwa is proof of the place, and the knower said, just as it does not increase in number, it does not increase in wording, but rather stops at what was said without adding, which is worship.

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And from that human being is the robe of the Most Merciful, from Chapter 406. He said, “The Most Merciful does not wear a robe better than a human being, nor more perfect, because he created him in his image and made him his successor on his land, then it was legislated for him to appoint him as his successor over his family.” He said, “If the right had not given him independence in caliphate,” he would not have said to him about himself. God Almighty commands, so make him a representative, and do not

He, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said to him

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