The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And he would like it. If he issues a fatwa with Omar and opposes Khalid, or Khalid disparages him, and Zaid praises him for his jurisprudence and noble character, and if he does not antagonize Khaled and supports him and loves him, Khalid praises him and Zaid disparages him. When we saw that the matter is to this extent and that it is not general, it cannot be understood by reason. It is not usual for a person to stand in this world, or wherever he is in a position that satisfies the two opposites. The boy should abandon his own desires and return to his Creator, who is his master and master, and say, “I am a slave.” The slave should be under the rule of his master, not under the rule of himself, nor under the rule of someone other than his master, following what pleases him and standing within his limits and ceremonies. He should not be among those who are made a partner with his master, so he will be with his master according to what he determines for him, and he will act

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So whoever stands within the limits of his master and obeys his decrees and does not differ from him in anything that he has brought to him according to the limits set for him, without addition by measurement or opinion or subtraction by interpretation, then he treats his kind of people as he has commanded them to be treated with, from a believer, an unbeliever, a disobedient, a hypocrite, and so on. These are four types, and each type of these is divided into classes. The believer is obedient, disobedient, saint, prophet, messenger, king, animal, plant, and mineral. The disbeliever is polytheist and non-polytheist, and the hypocrite is apparently lower than the level of the infidel, for the hypocrite has the lowest level of Hell, and the disbeliever has the highest and lowest level. As for the sinner, he is apparently lower than the level of the infidel. The degree of an obedient believer is proportional to his disobedience. This person standing at his master’s ceremonies is a yo

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This only applies to young men who have power and control over the natures of souls and customs, and in this position of this group there is nothing but blame, for God has given them control of their souls and supported them with a spirit from Him over them, so they have the perfect declension, the past tense word, and the prevailing rule .

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