The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Benefits are obtained and His ruling applies to the absent and the witness. Thus the customs have taken place and there is no voice heard nor letters formed and combined. The caller has deafened the ears of the people of the dew in the club. So the one who is firm in heaven is the one who believes in what the eyes deny .

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And from that is the concealment in Witr from Chapter 261 The mind is reasonable from the one who has reasoned, so it is a concealment because he is not able to release for a period of time. It is a link linked to the universe, and the desire is in the release. The eye sees the desire. It leads astray whoever follows it from the path of God, not from God, because it is among the totality of the kingdom, so it is in the hand of God. And if the matter had not been like this, harm would have befallen him had the master not asked him to cover up what he would not have bound to the string, and in existence he is the same as all that exists. Do you not see how the author of the law transcended his string from the single to the plural? Do you not see that the truth intercedes the strings and strings the intercessions unanimously for desire, freedom and permission, and He has all A key door, and he is the one who opens it, so it is called the key. His authority in this world and the herea

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And from that is the highest place in the Majlis, from Chapter 262. In the Majlis, minds and hearts go, and it is for the knowledgeable saints and loved ones.

And the right of desire is that desire is the cause of desire * ** If it were not for desire in the heart, it would not have worshiped desire.

And there is nothing else, for the matter is commanded by the mind, in need of it, and a servant in its hands. He has control, uprightness, and distortion pervaded his wisdom when his knowledge was great. Reason was preferred over him by intellectual consideration and transmission. Nothing withheld from the hearts except his name. And then there is nothing but His decree and judgment .

The mind is not called except by the one who has reasoned with it *** And the inclination is not called by the inclinations except by the one who is bitter.

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Among these is the one whose crescent is right, his arrival from Chapter 263. The people of Paradise do not have a mind that knows. Rather, it is passion and desire. The mind disposes of the people of Hell as its resting place, and by it the sadness and lamentation of the one who dwells in it increases due to the evil of his path. The mind is one of the attributes of creation, and for this reason the truth is not characterized by it, even if it is not limited. The law in this world is to dispose of desire as long as the mind has no control, so what is known about the truth of the mind is not easy, so determine what it has of the family. The one responsible for the task is restricted from discharging it. If the stone is removed, the good news remains, the warner is removed, and the mind is delayed due to the delay in transmission. If the crescent moon is overtaken, then you are the shadows, and in its coming, its perfection is appointed in the presence of its arrival as it was. His

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And from that of a full moon, it has begun from Chapter 264 The full moon is three nights, and for this reason he has disbelieved whoever says that God is the third of three misguidance, for there is no addition to the oneness, and likewise the full moon is one and is obscured by the two in the eye’s vision, just as we concealed God from knowing him with the two hands and similar things from what has been reported. It is governed by the laws without any doubt or doubt, so he goes home to home until the full night, which is the night of joy. That is the beneficial full moon and the bright light, as the pillars do not change it with what they give of steam and smoke. The state of the full moon on the fourteenth night of the month is exposed to calamities, and this is the time of eclipses, so it brings with it the covering and may be obscured. In his secrets of illumination and giving him his lights is a service that advances before him until no eye reaches him out of reverence for h

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Among that is sammarah, a lecture from Chapter 265, grazing the stars. sammarah with the Ever-Living and Sustaining One with the knowledge that He gives. How good is sammarah on the nights of the moon on the desert dunes with everyone who wears the robe of an immersion that does not set back or immersion, and does not spend the night for anyone on immersion. The sammarah was in consultation with what appears during the day. Of the effects of the universe’s readiness and what they are

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