The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

It is called the First and the Last, and He was and there was nothing with Him, for He is the Forerunner, and He is the One who prays upon us, for He is the Follower. Divine granting and benefit are only for those with will. And whoever says regarding the definition of will by abandoning what he is accustomed to is ignorance of the one who says it, for there is no habit because it is from repetition and what is in existence. It is one of the fallacies of the soul to say that the sun has returned, and it has not returned, nor descended, nor risen. It is in its orbit, floating and departing, the scent of its morning and its spirit, the rule of sight and what sight gives it in the sphere. Ibn Masoud read and the sun runs without a resting place, and he read others for a resting place for it, and all of that is true for whoever meditates on me, O student, meditate.

She has a decision that is not hers *** I wish my hair was not hers

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Among that is what is meant by submissive from Chapter 234. He who is easy to lead is afraid of corruption and is safe from stubbornness. Neither the master nor his servants trust him. Everyone who takes the reins leads him to either misery or happiness. On his part is ambition. He is soft and unruly. The submissive is only pleased by spending. So what is submission? Noble morals, but it was said that what is meant is led in the path of the knowers and servants, because their leader is the truth and he is the compassionate leader, so the costs were easy for him and he behaved with pleasure at all expenses, so he walked the path with pleasure, so what is meant is to be guided by what he wants. Among the people’s fallacies is that they exalted themselves from meanness, since he was easily submissive, so they attached him to being generous, so he ruled. Knowledge is gained and delivered .

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Among that murid is the one who finds in the Qur’an what he wants from Chapter 235. Our Sheikh Abu Madin used to say, The murid is the one who finds in the Qur’an everything he wants, and the knowledgeable sheikh was correct in his statement, because God says, “We have neglected nothing in the Book, for it contains all knowledge and encompasses Of the situations in divine knowledge, even if they are not finite, He has taken cognizance of them and that they are not finite, so He has spread His knowledge over them and revealed them through succession. His rule is for no time, but for eternity. The empowered one is the one who says what he wants, “Be,” and it is. Whoever does not have this position is not one who wills, and peace be upon him whose will it is. His ambition is limited, and he is not distinguished from the rest of the slaves. This is the meaning of the disciple. If you veil yourself by saying, “You do not guide those whom you love,” then you have not attained the mark o

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Among those who are most important is the influence of his inspiration from Chapter 236. The owner of his inspiration is not carried out by his concern, because his concern regarding what concerns him is ruling a house, so he continues searching for traces, receiving the stirrups, asking about what was, and he knows that the influence of the concern has a house of its own, and here he clings to its rope and its cause if the concern is high. It does not have any effect on it in perishability, for it perishes with its annihilation, departs from its annihilation, and clings to what remains, and the protective means are put into effect, so the gathering is witnessed, and in it the judgment of worry is dispelled. He continues striving in his salvation and rises in every soul in his ranks until he finishes in his ascension to the Most High One, and after the One, there is nothing that gives him the path except the nations. The second or non-existence, and non-existence is impossible, an

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And from that alienation, it is excluded from Chapter 237. Alienation is the key to distress, and if it were not for it, there would be no closeness. The relative is the stranger and he is the beloved, and it is not said of the beloved that he is a stranger. He is the lover’s own self, his essence, his names and attributes, and he does not look at him, for he is not something superfluous to him, what is from him apart from him and what is his. In the same place, it was said to Qais, “Laila, who are you?” He said, “Laila.” It was said to him, “Who are Laila?” He said, “Laila.” But no eye appeared to him in this distance. What remained was estrangement, for he was in a state of ruin. He lost his eye and ceased to be. How does his tongue rebuke him? Where do you go? Then where does he find it with his eyes ?

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And from that thankful person is cunning, from Chapter 238. How can he be praised with gratitude? He who gives thanks is the eye of deceit. Whoever conveys a right to the deserving one has fulfilled the duty of his right, so as long as there is gratitude, there is no merit due to lack of giving. If the giving is valid, the credit will be proven, even if the credit is proven .

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