The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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And He made us among those who knew his affairs and conditions, so he distinguished his transformation when he was ignorant of it from his ignorance, and from that is disclosure, a specification from Chapter 216. Whoever discloses, he knows, and whoever is characterized by stopping the witnesses is imitation, and revelation is a pure knowledge. He who believes bears witness to his belief, and whoever knows, recognizes its source and source. Issues and occurrences are not from the characteristic of the people of witnesses, it is specific. Of the scholars among the messengers, prophets, and saints, had it not been for the unveiling, the guardian would not have known the position of the lawgiver, the prophet, with the lack of taste for the Prophet’s specification of what is above. Faith does not necessitate the statement of directness, so the similarity does not require directness of what has been mentioned. You may work, so be careful not to work in an undesirable way and to covet s

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Among these lists are revelations from Chapter 217. He who has a glimpse of his demands has seen by its light all his doctrines. He knows how to act and with whom to know them. If he wishes, he can act, and if he wishes, he does not act. The people of Sufism are the masters of tasawwuf, for they covet every desire and remove from it every inclination. They are the people of gifts, and they are the people of sophistication, etiquette, and salt.

The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, praised those who gave gifts and made it one of his best praises because of the goodness, mercy, and compassion it contains for others.

Especially if they are from People of want and need, and those whom the needy worship, the lists are revelations of goodness. He grants whomsoever He wishes of His servants whatever provision He wishes. It is one of the Sunnahs of gifts, and it is the bestower of what ignorance will see as useful knowledge for those who fear the Da

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Among that coloring is empowerment from Chapter 218. Coloring is the matter of newly created things and their diversity in the forms of created beings are the effects of the truth in the world of creation. Coloring is a new creation, so there is still more coloring. It is clear evidence of empowerment. It was revealed in Surat Al-Rahman that God Almighty said, “Every day is about a matter, and the affairs are not limited.” So do not be limited, and the day is measured by the breath, so watch the dawn when it breathes as it breathes, and beware of the night when it sneezes, for there is more devilish than devilish in the other third of the night. Blessing is the presence of movement. Movement is formation, so it is coloring, and with stillness there is no being, so he will have what he remains at rest during the night and the day, and how good it is in consideration because Whatever moves in which the non-partisans participate in the claim is movement, it is destruction, and silenc

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And from that jealousy is confusion from Chapter 219. Whoever is jealous is hot, jealousy is distress, and its owner is characterized by longing and longing. Whoever understands from above the direction, then he has the suspicion of longing. He is calmed by meeting, and longing is aroused by meeting. Jealousy is attributed to him, and from others it is dropped, whoever does not know that then there is someone else who is not characterized by jealousy or made. Jealousy is his confusion. How can one be jealous who is confused? The foot of the one who is confused does not stand firm despite his belief in jealousy. With jealousy, limits are established, and with it the restriction of existence occurs. Whoever is jealous of God is ignorant of God. He is the jealous one who is not jealous of Him, for confinement to Him is impossible and it is not established in Him. Whoever is jealous of Him has lost his limit, and whoever limits Him is made. His eye is against him or his equal is forbi

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Among those who are free is free even if harm touches him, and the slave is a slave even if he walks on harm, from Chapter 22 and < What is free without restriction, everyone is slave. Whoever is restricted by seeking rights is created, but in a special way indicated by the texts. God does not tire until you tire, so leave if you wish or So they loosened the shackles of himself in your contract, and he said, “Fulfill my covenant, and I will fulfill your covenant.” In this is a reference that is corrupted by the phrase, slavery is in us in reality, and freedom in us is not given by the method. Where is freedom with the request? The one who is deprived of the prohibition of good manners in whom it is said that he is free as long as he is angry until harm touches him. He who is described as being harmed is governed by the same ruling as one who is nourished by someone who praises. I love him, for we know what it is like in the middle of the river. He who says that God is eternity is

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And from that is the softening of the dense from the twenty-one chapter and two hundred of the softening of the joined and it moved from the level of falsehood to the level of truth with the truth. If it were not for the dense and the light, the shadow would not have existed, and it did exist, so the proverb is determined from the proverb, the similarity is absent, so look at the one to whom the light is similar to the attributes and the shadow is in the form of the essence and does not exist. The proverb is in the shadow except in the form. Whoever looks at his shadow knows that his rule of movement and rest is from its origin, so it moves by its movement, not by its movement, because it does not accept movement in its behavior if there are multiple lights.

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