The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

From the chapter that fulfills two hundred status, it is a trust, so do not hurt it by betrayal, for God has commanded that it be given to its owners, so accepting it is an offer, and paying it is an obligation, and only one who is ignorant of it will accept it, and the one who accepts it by force is forced, so his excuse is acceptable, and the ignorant one is not unjust, and the one who accepts it by choice brings himself under the rule of compulsion, so he returns as a king, even though he was an owner. He was saved and then perished again.

The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said regarding imamate, it is a regret on the Day of Resurrection.

And that is the chosen prince, not the one who took it out of necessity. So whoever gave it eyes on it and whoever asked for it, God will grant him it, even if it is Her status is high, so her veil is invincible. If you are appointed, then be independent and do not work. If you are forced and it is

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Among that is the omission from al-Fath from Chapter 2 and <2 from the omission from the art of omission, and this is one of the greatest grants, except that it is confusing for the listener, so he does not know the comprehensive from the non-comprehensive, and because of this confusion some people made it a deficiency as a means of blocking the pretext. Because of the obscene expressions that it contains in looking at created beings that are not permitted by Sharia law. Whoever is pious in this matter and knows from himself that he is not being extravagant, nothing of being extravagant will appear on him. So the person who has this description does not appear to be extravagant unless he is in a state of weakness, unless that becomes clear when The follower and the follower, do you not see what the one with power and empowerment said in enforcing the command ?

I am the master of the children of Adam and there is no pride.

So look at his manners in explaining

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Among that ascendant is a well-versed, not a vanquished, from Chapters 2 and <3 . The ascendant is delayed because he stumbled, and the well-versed advanced to be in the leading row. Do you not see the one who is called first, how he desired the first row and was judged by balloting because of his exaltation and exaltation? The vanquished one defends the disputer, for it is knowledge in his head. Fire for the news he brought, so whoever came to him would ask him to see what he had brought to him. Moses ascended to the mountain and Hebron was the light that descended, and that was followed by the disappearance of the truth, just as the collapse of the mountain was followed by a stun. No stone was struck except by the one who flattened the great mountain. The stone did not recover from his shock except for what remained on it. Of fulfilling his prophecy, even if man is stronger than the mountains, especially if he is one of the Abdal. This has been authenticated by the prophetic rep

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