The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The one who pays attention to the names has two meanings, and they have two connections, the one connection, its meaning to the one name in which all the names are combined without an additional command, and the required meaning is the meanings that characterize the names, just as they are distinguished by words and buildings. The buildings are like the world, the knowledgeable, the knowledgeable, and the words are like this and like the Creator. And the One who is powerful in rulings, look at these sections. If you know them, then you are the imam who precedes all the honorable people and angels. This is the knowledge of your father, so make it your strength, for he will not miss you. For every dignity that is not connected to the resurrection, it is no dignity, and beware of being drawn into joking .

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Among these is the honor of dreams from Chapter 192 Divine honor in dreams Vision, witnessing, and speech Vision is wishing, and witnessing is the vision of witness, and it goes back to the beliefs, so it knows and denies, and seeing does not include denial, so you see, and speech is what affects and does not enter into division, so if division enters it, it is speech, and it contains grace. Divinity and length The entire Qur’an said, “God said,” and what is in it, “God spoke,” even though it mentioned speech, but it was in honor of Moses, peace be upon him. And if he had come with speech, no one would have disbelieved in it, because it is from speech, so it influences whoever denies it and denies it. Do you not see what he said, and God spoke to Moses in speech, how he took an approach to it? He was upright, so his words affected him and his rulings became apparent to him. If the statement was affected, it is not for its own sake, but rather it is out of divine gratitude and leng

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Among that is the one who sees happiness in habit from Chapter 193 The wisdom of habit in the science of testimony Proof of repetition, for belief in it gives happiness Habit is the return of truth to creation, even if the forms differ, it involves proving the other, so do not criticize, for it is the correct knowledge, there is no repetition in existence, and if it is hidden in the witnesses, then it is that. Because of the existence of proverbs, and only men know it, if it was repeated, the scope would be narrow, and the broad name would not be correct by agreement, and the fact that the possible possibilities are infinite would be invalid, and what was in it would not be proven. The one who said about taking him back after he divorced did not divorce, and he had doubts about what he said, and that it was fulfilled, and if it is not like that, then he is foolish, and our speech is with The rational person who knows these strongholds, for he is not unaware of the knowledge of thi

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Among that is the miracle in truthfulness and brevity from Chapter 194. I showed in the comprehensive incident the reality of the miracle in pronouncing truthfulness, so be sincere in your speech and you will be the miracle, so elaborate after that or be brief, for the goal of the miracle is to exaggerate in length and brevity. There is no verse except that it is greater than its sister, even if it was born from it. And she took the place of her daughter for her. In the witness, the son may be greater in value than the father, but in the absent, it is not correct except in one place, which is what you have generated from your knowledge of your Lord when you know yourself, and if he is not of your kind, then that knowledge of this knowledge is like the child, and he is greater in value than the father in the eyes. Every Sunday and anything other than this and others like it in the absent is not correct, so do not be harsh on the absent with the witness in every situation, for it is

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Among that is the level of the revelation of a dream from speech from Chapter 195. Prophecy in glad tidings is hidden. He who does not have good tidings has no prophecy, even if it is not a fulfilling prophecy, even if it is in the high position, which is legislation. However, if the dreamer realizes that he has someone who reveals this to him, then he will be relied upon, and if it is revealed. The Messenger has the right to confine himself to this and say: If his right is confirmed to the listener and his sincerity is proven to him, he is required to follow it and it is forbidden for him to adhere to it. If he is abrogating a ruling proven by the news of a single person, then adopting it is determined by the one who finds it, and the consideration and speech remain in the one who imitates him. If justice is the same, then the one who had the vision is more worthy of proof. Guidance, so the ruling of the revelation of a dream with its conditions is the ruling of wakefulness based

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