The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Zuhair bin Abi Salami must obey the rulers, whoever disobeys the edges of the glass.

And whoever disobeys the edges of the glass, he *** obeys the rulers. I installed all To demolish

Whoever is exposed to temptation has experienced a great deal of adversity. No one will be tested by evidence except the one who makes the claim. Whoever claims has exposed himself to calamity. Inform My servants that I am the Forgiving, the Merciful. So we said of boldness in sins and that My punishment is the painful punishment. So calamities came with the arrival of calamities. He says Ibn al-Sayyid al-Batalyusi, may God be pleased with him, in some of his works .

Hope in God and fear Him *** This is the right path.

Your Lord has said in the stone *** and God is generous.

Inform My servan

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Among that is the secret of the veil, the veil, and standing behind the door from Chapter 83 The veil and the veil are a mercy, and the evidence is the burning of prayer beads, and the veil is a curse, and the proof is what was mentioned in the police officers, and not standing behind the door with a veil, if the door makes it impossible for the person behind it to reach, stay at, and descend, then the door is the same as what is sought, for it If you reach him, you will be in his hands. Whoever helps him will see him.

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And from that is the secret of limits and contracts from Chapter 84. Bounds revealed the limited, and contracts concealed the contract. And then there is only a limit and a contract in a Lord and a slave. So the Lord limited in, there is nothing like Him, so the limit of the slave was distinguished in the shadow and the shade became apparent. The unknown limit is intelligible and the existing limit is witnessed and varied. The divine limits are blindness, steadfastness, descent, and accompaniment. The matter is not limited and is not controlled, and that is why the world is confused and confused about it. Whoever submits is safe, and whoever believes is safe .

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And from that is the secret of piety in times of calamity, from Chapter 85. Rising in piety in the abode of annihilation, not in the abdomen of permanence. Whoever fears God in the place of obligation in any case attains the degree of perfection when traveling. The matter is calamity, so seek help from it with piety. There is no piety except with God, and no piety except with God. From it is caution, and with it he avoids harm. He has sought refuge with it from him who took the path of our salvation from him, and from him he seeks refuge. You are the disease and the cure, and the one who pursues enemies against enemies. Ruling on piety on the day of meeting. If the two parties see each other and the two parties come together in the picture, then it is a general dispute, the secret of which will be revealed on the day of calamity. So what is the meaning of one being saved and the other not? You hope for successors in the tyrants and the prophets on earth.

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Among that is the secret of rulings in dreams from Chapter 86. Rulings regarding sleeping from dreams and ruling regarding those standing up from a dream. If it were not for the ruling, the ruling would not have appeared nor would it have distinguished vengeance from the blessings. If it had not been for the initiation of rulings, no one would have enjoyed a dream and no imam would have been appointed in the world, so by the ruling he would have been disciplined and would have been. The system was connected and security was obtained in the souls, and in most cases it was safe from transgression against the tangible, so travels to the regions occurred, and the man was safe in his journey from his family and his money from them with this consideration, and this is a ruling that was given to him by status, even if the Sharia did not intend it, then there must be a law of safety for the souls, and the first of them is what is legislated, and in it is salvation for those who follow.

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And from that is the secret of rising and falling in the obligatory and voluntary prayers from Chapter 87. If it rises from you and descends upon you, then this amount of knowledge about it is sufficient for you, for it is apparent with its rising and hidden with its decline, so stand if you want happiness and knowledge when it is said. He did not like the fallen friend because he saw him seeking the low and his desire to rise high to seek Proximity, for in itself it descends, and in reality it descends, and since its descent was from outside, Hebron lacked ascents so that he would not lose the star, so there was no obstacle between him and knowledge and ascents a journey, and he knew that the matter is what is in it, conveying it, for the attribution of the inyat to it both in the level and in the non-level, God has placed in the voluntary acts your being. And He made in the obligatory beings His essence, through you He sees you in the obligatory ones, and through Him you gain in

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And from that is the secret of avoiding suspicion in all aspects from Chapter 88. The reality of suspicion is that it has a point in every aspect, and a thing does not depart from its reality nor change from its method, because if it were removed from its reality, knowledge would disappear, the eye of understanding would be obliterated, judgment would be invalidated, and confidence in abhorrence of the similar would disappear. Arbitrator for whoever knows, so the judgment of one who resembles you is likened to him, and whoever is likened to you is likened to him, for every direction he is responsible for. So then there is a suspicion of you and others followed by the world, a suspicion of renunciation, and for this reason I resembled him in manifestation. Do you not see the difference of images on him when you look ?

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