The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

So tell those who praise us, wake up *** The right is limited by a limit

In absolute terms there is an honest restriction *** and absoluteness in terms of definition is not a count

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And from that is the secret of the ebb and flow in the knowledge learned from Chapter 19. Of the matters there are some that can be limited, and some of them are those that are not limited, and the ebb and tide are two effects of nature that are taken by the limit, and the learned knowledge of the All-Knowing encompasses both the modern and the ancient. If you are stubborn, then understand the words of God Almighty, “And We will certainly test you until we know, and with what the Truth has judged itself.” So judge and do not be alone in your mind without conveying yours, for imitation in restriction is a restriction for a caliph to look into his servants when he sent him down to his cradle, so he restricted him when he imitated him, and he has the reins of the heavens and the earth, and in his hand is the scale of raising and lowering, and despite his being the owner of the kingdom, he is the king of the kingdom. He gives the kingdom to whomever he wishes, and takes the kingdom fr

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And from that is the secret of the supererogatory and obligatory prayers in relating knowledge to length and breadth from Chapter 2 and < Whoever’s cause is Jesus, then there is no Moses, for he is the life-giving Creator and the created being who gives life to the breadth of the world in its nature and its length in its spirit and law. This light is from the eternal and the eternal attributed to Al-Hussein bin Mansour. I have not seen it united. He was separated and separated, and by his Lord he spoke and swore by the twilight, the night, and what he brought forth, and the moon, when it is aligned and arranged layer upon layer like it, is light in the twilight. The status of truth has the status of Moses to the ark, and for this reason he used to say of divinity and humanity, and where is he among those who say the eye is one and refers to the superfluous attribute, and where is Faran from the stage, and where is the fire from the light? The width is limited, the length is an ext

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And from that is the secret of intercourse and intercourse from the twenty-one chapter: intercourse is marriage and intercourse is birth in the world of the kingdom, and testimony from the intercourse of night and day appeared, the raging of hurricanes, so the days, years, and months were distinguished, and the joining of eternity to eternity. If it were not for the rule of the sun, what would have appeared in the world of pillars is a soul and a soul whose mansions are multiplied by calamities. Rather, catastrophes are appointed places, so the number follows them, and there is no one in the house. If an exception occurs in this denial, then it is interrupted, and this is a matter that cannot be dismissed .

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Among that is the secret of the mansions, and what descends from chapter 22 of the house is the where, and the status is the eye, so the matter and the matter are in the position and the place, and the descendant of its meaning is in its status and in its house in terms of its form. The Qur’an has surahs that are its positions, and it has verses that are its evidence, and in it there are words that are its pictures, and it has letters that are its jewels and pearls, so the letter is an adverb for whom. It is adjective with a short term, and words in speech are like compartments in tents, so they are not incapable of the concept of signs, nor are we incapable of the meaning of expressions. The miracle only occurred by sanctifying it from the metaphor, for it is all truth, and the meaning of his word is true, and the command is not hidden, even if it is in relation to the occasion for the request to produce a surah like it, it is dry, so no messenger was sent except with a tongue. H

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Among this is the secret of preservation and seeking help from Chapter 23. Preservation is preserved in the saints and infallibility in the messengers and prophets, so from its expression regarding God it informs him that he hurls the truth at falsehood and destroys it, then it is lost and the last in its effect is later. For the obligation, even if it is true, is fleeting just as it is an accident. Likewise, the world has a ruling that does not apply to her sister, and the mother does not marry her daughter. Rather, the daughter, if she is not in quarantine, is permissible in some schools of thought, but if she marries her mother according to Sharia law, the one who has a quarantine asks for help, a claim from someone who is in affliction. The curtains are drawn, and everything is for the sake of the eye. Beware of looking. The news may lie. The news is seeking help with patience. Confusion. Between choice and compulsion, and seeking God’s help gives us permission to doubt, and w

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And from that is the secret of the commonality between the laws of the ruling on whirlwinds from Chapter 24. Know that whirlwinds are governed by the laws and nature, and for this reason they rise and fall, ascend and descend, and although each of these descriptions is my entity and is a divine attribute, so ascension is what reasonable evidence doubts, and descent is proven by the report of the transmitted law, so the owner of the caliphate. The Imamate is his abode between Najd and Tihama, and to him is lofty glory .

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