The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Rather, it is two things or something that has reached the level of composition such that it becomes things. However, something is said about it in terms of the oneness of the sum and the composition, not in terms of the oneness of everything in this sum, and He may be one in essence and in rank, for God is one in His divinity, so He is one in rank. That is why we are commanded to know that there is no god but Him and that what is exposed to the essence is one single thing, for the oneness of the essence is intelligible, but whether or not in existence there is anyone who is one in all aspects or not, there is a pause in that, for the singularity of everything, ancient and modern, is intelligible without a doubt, and no one who has a hold on it can dispute it. Reason and correct consideration, then if you look at this one, you must judge it according to the lowest rank, for it is not devoid of a rank that it has in existence. Either it is affected by a subject noun, or affected by

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I turn my back to my corner and my support *** to the Dominant, Lord of the people and the eternal

And I said, O the utmost of all hopes *** You have control over what is near and what is far

I recited a book in which He made known to me *** that if I die in it, it is not my hand.

If what my hand held was for her***, my eyes would not look at anyone

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