The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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Things that are appropriate for the surah that he wants to oppose with things that fit in the words, which did not happen or were, so they are falsehood, and falsehood is non-existence, and non-existence does not resist existence, and the Qur’an is a statement about an existential matter that is true in the matter itself, so the opponent must be unable to come up with something similar to it. Whoever adheres to the truth in his actions, words, and circumstances has distinguished himself from the people of his time and from everyone who did not follow his path, so he who wants to imagine his position without the truth is incapable .

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Among their secrets is also the knowledge of nature, its composition and analysis, and the benefits of drugs. This is known from them in a revelation that our Sheikh Abu Abdullah Al-Ghazal, who was in Al-Marriah, may God have mercy on him, was in the state of his departure from the council of his sheikh, Abu Al-Abbas Ibn Al-Arif. Ibn Al-Arif was the literary scholar of his time, so he was in the woods in the way of Samad alive when he saw the weeds of that. The whole meadow spoke to him with its benefits, so the tree or the star said to him, “Take me, for I will benefit such-and-such and protect against harm to such-and-such,” until he was astonished and remained bewildered by the call of each tree to endear him and draw near to him. So he returned to the sheikh and informed him of that. So the sheikh said to him, “Why did you serve us? Where was the harmful and beneficial from you when the trees said to you?” It is beneficial and harmful, so he said, “Sir, repentance.” The Sheikh

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And if he knew the secrets of nature and understood their facts, he would know half of the divine names that God taught Adam, peace be upon him, and they are amazing sciences. When God revealed them to us in this way, we saw something enormous and we learned of the secret of God in His creation and how the secret of divine power in all things is not Nothing is beneficial except through it, and nothing is harmful except through it, and nothing speaks except through it, and nothing moves except through it, and the world is obscured with images, so they attributed all of that to themselves and to things, and God says, O people, you are the ones who are in need of God, and His words are true and they are news, and such news is not included in abrogation, so there is poverty except To God. In this verse, God is called for everything He lacks. From this perspective, the poor person is the one who lacks everything and is lacking in nothing. He deals with the causes according to their rul

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Among their secrets is also the knowledge of the two upbringings in this world, which are the natural upbringing and the spiritual upbringing, and what their origins are, and the knowledge of the two upbringings in the hereafter, the natural and the spiritual, and their origins, and the knowledge of the two upbringings, the upbringing of this world and the upbringing of the hereafter, are six sciences that must be known.

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Among their secrets is that there is not a person among them who has achieved this status except that he is granted six hundred divine powers that he inherited from his grandfather, who is closest to his father, and he does with it according to what it gives him. If he wishes, he hides it, and if he wishes, he reveals it, and concealment is higher, for worship only takes from the strong what it uses to fulfill the rights of its master’s commands. Because the rule of her servitude is proven, and every force that takes him out of this door intentionally is not required for the men of God, for they do not compete with the one who is strong and solid, for God did not ask them to ask for help from Him except in worshiping Him, not to appear in it as kings and lords, as a group of the People of the Book claimed, who took Jesus as a lord, they said. Muhammad asks us to worship him as we worshiped Jesus, so God Almighty revealed, “Say, O People of the Book, come to a common word between u

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Also among their secrets is that they do not go beyond the second heaven in their ascents from where their father is, unless they head to the closest ancestor. Perhaps some of them will end up at Sidra al-Muntaha, which is the level to which the deeds of the servants end, but do not go beyond it, and from there the truth accepts them, which is its isthmus until the Day of Resurrection in which the owner dies. That work and this amount of knowledge of the secrets of this group is sufficient. And God speaks the truth and He guides the path. End of Part Twenty .

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