The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

But God has never praised any of His creation except with a warning to the one who did not achieve that matter that he should be subjected to achieving it with the best of his ability, for the door is open and generosity does not involve miserliness, and the inability remains except on the part of the seeker. This is why He says: Who will call upon Me, that I may respond to him, and who is ungrateful? The inability occurred only from us, and here is the confusion, because we are what we call upon Him, not by His success and His success for us. For that, from His giving, His presence, and the readiness with which we were upon Him, we accepted it, so we qualified for His supplication and His answer to us, in what we called upon Him with, based on what He sees the answer in it. For He is more knowledgeable of what is best than us, for God Almighty does not look at the ignorance of the ignorant and treat him with his ignorance, but rather the person who supplicates. And the truth answ

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Great in destiny, unparalleled *** Great in souls and minds

He has acceptance in my souls*** and there is no acceptance in me for himself

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Its owner is called Abd al-Kabir, and he is the eye of the servant, because pride is the robe of truth and there is no other than you, for truth is destroyed by you, since you are its image, for the robe is in the form of the one who wears it. This is why it does not appear to you except through you. And he said, “Whoever knows himself knows his Lord,”

So whoever knows the robe The wearer knew what the knowledge of the robe depends on the knowledge of the wearer, and this is a great mistake among the scholars, and they did not understand what the right to identify himself meant. He only described himself with what we know and verify to the extent of what we know and verify, for with my tongue he addressed me so that we might understand him. If we had referred to him to begin with, we would not have known him. When his pride was lowered to the status of the robe. What is known to us is that we know what pride is. Then the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him p

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