The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Honorable to your family and your people, so what is a mockery of him, for that is how he was, and it is a mockery of him because he addressed him with that in a state of humiliation, the permissibility of his father-in-law, and the violation of his sanctity. Mu’tazz did not appear in the world except in the form of the truth, that is, in his capacity, but God condemned her in a place and praised her in a place, and that place is praiseworthy. If he is the one who gives that with the knowledge of the servant, then he has pride in that, and whoever does not have this position, then he has pride in something other than humiliation, and if he feels humiliation in himself, because he is innate to humiliation, poverty, and the need for authenticity, he cannot deny this of himself, and for this reason God said that He is natural. On every heart that is arrogant and tyrannical, so that pride and tyranny do not enter it, and if they appear, then he knows in his heart that there is no diff

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Then God has placed in existence a place in which the realized and established servant will have the attribute of truth in the caliphate, comforting his Lord when he sees the embrace of the side of the truth among the people whom God said about them, and they did not value God as He deserves, so the servant will honor him with good teaching and descending with the liberating word that removes doubt in their hearts. So that the truth may be glorified by them, and this servant may be a symbol of the truth that is in the hearts of those who did not value God as He truly valued before that, so they turned away from that and worshiped a God who has glory, pride, and exaltation from what they used to describe him with before this. This is his share and share of the honorable name, for he protected the hearts of these people from being controlled by him. What does not befit the truth, such as bad belief and speech, has been mentioned in the Qur’an, such as: Indeed, God has heard the word

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The humiliated person is the goat itself *** when it enters and when it exits

So if He humiliates His Beloved, the lowest of His universes, as far as His ascension is concerned.

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Its owner is called Abd al-Mudhil, and he is humiliated, and from this presence God created creation, except that when He, the Almighty, created man from among the totality of His creation, He created him as an imam, gave him names, made the angels prostrate to him, and made for him the teaching of the angels about what they were ignorant of, and he remained in the witnesses of his Creator, so no pride established him, but rather he remained on his origin. From humiliation and lack, and when he carried the trust casually and what happened happened, he and his wife said, since it was a part of him, “Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves because of the trust they carried.” Then his sons took pride in their father’s position before God when his Lord chose him... and guided him from guidance and returned to him in the manner in which he treated him. Starting from the closeness and care that made him a successor to him in his creation and was perfected by him and in him the existence of

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