The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Capturing is more general in this world than extending. Among the people are those whom God has enabled to have the joys of His servants on their hands. The first degree of that is the one who makes people laugh with what pleases God or with what does not satisfy or displease him, and this is permissible. This is a divine attribute that he does not feel. Rather, the ignorant person mocks him and does not He is the one who makes people laugh, and he is called a mockery in custom, and where is this ignorant person based on the words of God Almighty, and that he laughed and cried, especially since we restricted him to what pleases God or to what does not please or displease him, so the servant of God who monitors his conditions and the effects of the truth in existence is magnified. In his eyes, this name is a mockery, and the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, used to have Nu’man make him laugh at witnessing this divine description in a matter, so he was more

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And know that the difference between the two presences is that the grasping never occurs except through extension, and the extension may be from the grasping or it may be a beginning, for the beginning precedes divine mercy, divine anger, and mercy is an extension, and anger is a seizure, and the extension that occurs after a grasping is like the mercy with which God has mercy on His servants after the torment has befallen them, so this is Spreading after taking, and this second expansion is impossible for there to be something after it that requires taking the servant. Spreading is generally beneficial, and there may be hidden deception in this world, which is extending blessings to the transgressor, thus prolonging their blessings so that they increase in sin. This is his saying: And let not those who disbelieve think that We give them what is best for their souls. That they may increase in sin And for them is a humiliating torment, and the dictation is the abundance of life and

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Humility is a rule that no one knows *** except the Most High, to whom God lowers it.

Truth is descended out of honor to a level *** by which He grieves some of them by it

He divides creation in determining their rank *** one that loves him and one that he hates < /p>

Indeed, He is the one who lowered all the universes *** below the position that He lowers.

His determination was raised towards the Most High, perhaps *** one day upon a hard time would be his revival.

I concluded a matter, and the conclusion was his need *** so he came in The state of deprivation invalidates it

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