The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

If you saw the sun and the spheres revolving*** in its fire and the stars of the night scattering

After its lights were dimmed and its rulings passed away, and it seemed to the eye to be darkening

they died, and the one who had gathered them *** departed in the home of their world, for everyone was lost. They were buried

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The owner of this Presence is called Abd al-Aleem, and the scholars in this Presence are in three ranks: a scholar whose knowledge is itself, a scholar whose knowledge is gifted, and a scholar whose knowledge is acquired, and he has judgment in the divine things, and he has judgment in the universe. For God has knowledge of everything for His own sake and the generality of its connection to every known thing, and we have explained where this connection comes from. His knowledge of what is known and what is acquired in God, his saying until we know, and what is bestowed in God is what the servant has given him regarding his disposition of what is permissible, it does not have to be restricted, specifying what is obligatory, what is forbidden, what is recommended, and what is disliked. The acquisition of knowledge by acting in what is permissible is a knowledge bestowed upon him by the servant in a divine way, because he is not obligated to perform it as his belief is obligatory for

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And know that there is no entity in the world that does not have a special aspect to its existence if it is from the world of creation, and if it is from the world of matter, then it has nothing but that particular aspect, and that God manifests to every entity from that particular aspect and gives it Knowledge of it is something that no one knows of it except that existing one, and whether that existing one knows it or not, I mean that it has a special facet and that it has knowledge from God in terms of that facet, and the people of God are not favored except by their knowledge of that facet. Then the people of God differ in that, for among them are those who know that God has a manifestation. Therefore, what exists from this specific perspective, and among them are those who do not know that, and those who know that, among them are those who know the knowledge that he obtains from that manifestation, and among them are those who do not know it. I mean specification, and

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