The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Neither of them is for its own sake. The happy person is one of the souls assigned to two types of happiness. The one type is hidden from the occurrence of disobedience and is not desired, nor is there no obedience, nor is there no disobedience, nor is it desired nor is it not desired, so he is the happiest of the happy. The other type is the one that is hidden after the ruling of disobedience in him from the punishment for it. That is, He is the Forgiven, and these rulings relate to the accountable person in his outward and inward nature, so the happy, perfect, perfect, infallible, and below him, the preserved outwardly, is not preserved inwardly. So the least hidden is his name, Abdul Ghafir, and the most hidden is his name, Abdul Ghafour, and the middle between them is Abdul Ghaffar. People, I mean the accountable, are in three states: Ghafir, Ghaffar, and Forgiving. Then there are those in charge. Some of them together with each other are the rulings of these names regarding t

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And know that among concealment and its relaxation there is something that is caused by humanity, which is His saying, “And it is not for a human being that God should speak to him except by revelation, or from behind a veil, which is a veil, or He sends a messenger, which is also a veil, and the veil here is nothing but the exact form in which it is revealed to the servant when he hears the words of truth in any His image is revealed, for God says to His Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, so reward him until he hears the word of God, and the speaker is the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and God said on the tongue of His servant, “God hears whoever praises Him,” and God Almighty said, “You were his hearing and his sight.”

The hadith. These are all veiled images. Humanity gave it, and then there is only human beings and the spirit of this matter. What prevented you from prostrating to what I created with my hands? So he denied the

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If my oppression is the same as my command, then *** if I command the matter, then oppression is mine

On it, it appears to exist in my form *** So what We have forbidden is forbidden, nor is Our command a command.

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