The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

This saying, and there is nothing that does not glorify His praise, and he added to their praise due to people’s ignorance of their glorification by saying, “But you do not understand their glorification,” so this was reparation in response to that defeat that befell them, so their rapture and joy multiplied by that, and what is not a multiplication in reality, but rather is the reconstruction of the place that appeared. The kasra, for He told that everything glorifies His praise, as is the command for Him in itself, and He closed the defect of the kasra by saying, “You do not understand their glorification with the letter ‘Istadrak’, which is His saying, but out of the hope that they would be alone, to the exclusion of all others, with this special glorification, for if the people recognized it, they would also glorify God with it, so those who glorify are eternal in creation.” Images: Understand the photographers who breathe souls into their images and the creation of images doe

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If my shield from my existence is his clothing *** then the presence of the right to the head is forgiven

So fulfill my article: It is clear in it. If you wish, it will be eternal, and if you wish, it will be concealed.

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The owner of this Presence is called Abdul Ghaffar, and it is the Presence of jealousy, protection, preservation, infallibility, and preservation. Know, may God help us and you with a spirit from Him, that all matters cover one another, and the highest of them is the cover of the divine apparent name, for it covers the divine inner name, and what is beyond God is a distance, so it is a cover for it. So if you With the Divine Inward Name in a state of witnessing and seeing, this Inward Divine Name with which you are at the time is united and has what is seen to cover up the Outward Divine Name. Do not say that the rule of manifestation has transferred to the Inward Divine Name and the inwardness has become to the Outward Name. Rather, the Outward One, as it is in terms of the ruling, gives forms in the world. The whole and the hidden, even if it is witnessed, is in its state an inner that gives meanings that are concealed by the apparent images. This is the highest and most conceal

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