The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

It is not said of any of the people of this method that he is a Muhammadan except for two people: either a person who specializes in inheriting knowledge from a ruling that was not in the law before him, so he is said to be a Muhammadan, or a person who collected the stations and then departed from them to no station, such as Abu Yazid and others like him. This is also said to be a Muhammadan, and everything else is different from him. These two people are attributed to a prophet from among the prophets, and for this reason

it was mentioned in the report that the scholars are the heirs of the prophets

and he did not say the heirs of a special prophet, and what is being addressed by this is the scholars of this nation, and this wording was also mentioned in his saying, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, scholars. This nation is the prophets of all other nations, and in one narration, they are like the prophets of the Children of Israel .

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The first Isawis are the disciples, followers of Jesus. Whoever among them has up to now understood the law of Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, believed in it, followed it, and agreed that he would have acquired from this law what was before this the law of Jesus, peace be upon him, so he inherits from Jesus, peace be upon him, what he inherited without a veil. Then he inherits from Jesus, peace be upon him, in the law of Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, the inheritance of a follower from a follower, not from a follower, and between them in taste there are two differences. This is why the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said regarding such a person that he has the reward twice. Likewise, he has two inheritances, two openings, and two different tastes, and he is not attributed to them except In addition to that Prophet, peace be upon him, these are the second Isawis, and their origin is the monotheism of abstraction through t

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Then this special law, which is, “Serve God as if you see what Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him , ” said to us without intermediary. Rather, he said it to Gabriel, peace be upon him, and he was the one who represented to Mary a perfect human being when Jesus, peace be upon him, was found, so it was as it was said. In the previous proverb: Beware, I mean, listen, neighbour, so we were what was meant by that saying, and for this

it came at the end of the hadith: Gabriel wanted you to know if you do not ask

and in a narration he came to teach the people their religion, and in a narration he came to you to teach you Your religion

The narrations have not deviated from the fact that we are intended for education, then for you to know that what we have is other than the law of Jesus, peace be upon him

His saying, “If you do not see Him, then He sees you ”

This is From their origins, our Sheikh Abu Abbas Al-Arabi, may God have me

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In our time today, a group of the companions of Jesus, peace be upon him, and Yunus, peace be upon him, love while they are cut off from the people. As for the people who are from the people of Yunus, I saw the footprint of one of them on the coast. His friend had preceded me a little, so I probed his foot into the ground and found the length of his foot to be three and a half spans and a quarter with my fingertips. My friend Abu Abdullah bin Kharaz al-Tanji told me that he met with him in a story and he brought me some words from him that were consistent in Andalusia in the year five hundred and eighty-five, which was the year we were in, and what was consistent in the year eighty-six with the Franks, so it was as he said, not leaving out a letter.

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As for those in time among the companions of Jesus, it is what we narrated from the hadith of Arabshah bin Muhammad bin Abi Al-Ma’ali Al-Alawi Al-Nuqi Al-Khabushani in writing. He said: Muhammad bin Al-Hasan bin Sahl Al-Abbasi Al-Tusi narrated to us: I am Abu Al-Mahasin Ali bin Abi Al-Fadl Al-Farmidi, I am Ahmad bin Al-Hussein bin Ali, he said: narrated to us Abu Abdullah Al-Hafiz narrated to us Abu Omar and Uthman bin Ahmad bin Al-Sammak in Baghdad, dictation, narrated by Yahya bin Abi Talib, narrated by Abdul Rahman bin Ibrahim Al-Rasibi, narrated by Malik bin Anas, on the authority of Nafi’, on the authority of Ibn Omar, who said: Omar bin Al-Khattab wrote to Saad bin Abi Waqqas, while he was in Al-Qadisiyah, that Nadlah bin Muawiyah Al-Ansari went to Helwan, Iraq, to invade its suburbs. He said, “So Saad directed Nadlah with three hundred horsemen, and they went out until they reached Helwan, Iraq, and raided its suburbs, taking spoils and captives, and they began to drive awa

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