The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Whoever refuses has wickedness in his nature. *** He will know who opens the doors when he knocks.

He has the wonder that is hidden in nature *** from his creation in what he showed when he made it

like one whom the Messenger of God called upon when he called ** * So he brought him what was before the collection .

And someone else brought him half of what his hands had earned*** and everything in his hands was greed .

If I had been, we would not have said what they said *** and I would have said, “A servant called upon by his Lord and he heard”

He took the initiative and did not look at anyone *** nor to those who would be harmed or benefited by delaying it

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Know, may God help us and you with the Holy Spirit, that this remembrance was for us from God Almighty for what God Almighty called us to, so we responded to what He called us to for a period, then a period occurred with us, which is the period known to the people of God on the path, which is necessary for everyone who enters the path, then If the period occurs, it will either be followed by a return to the first state of worship and diligence, and they are the people of divine providence whom God Almighty took care of, or the period will accompany it, and it will not succeed at all. When the period overtook us and controlled us, we saw the truth in the event, so He recited to us these verses, and He is the One who sends the winds as heralds before My hands. His mercy until when it took away a heavy cloud, We drove it to a dead land, and We sent down water with it. The verse. Then he said, “And the good land brings forth its vegetation by the permission of its Lord.” So I knew tha

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And know that when God Almighty created this human creation to worship Him and created it, beginning in weakness and need, its worship was subjective and remained so until God bestowed upon it power and revealed to it the reasons that necessitate power if it used it and the truth was hidden behind it, so no one saw anyone except it and was absent from the truth Almighty. She witnesses it, so God Almighty called her behind those reasons for the deeds He assigned her to do, and he called those deeds worship so that she would be aware of that based on their origin, for she does not deny her servitude, because worship has an intrinsic taste. And for those who observe it there remain the reasons by which she finds fulfillment of her necessities, so she accepts them naturally and sees what he called her to in the unseen, so she knows that Then it is apparent and hidden, unseen and witnessed, and you look at itself and find that it is composed of the unseen and witnessed, and that the on

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