The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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A man who acted on what he knew of the branches of rulings and believed in what the messengers and books brought, so God revealed his insight and made him possess insight into his matter, just as He did with his Prophet and Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, and those under his care. So he revealed and saw and called to God Almighty with insight, as God Almighty said in The truth of his Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, informing him. I pray to God with insight, I and those who follow me. These are the scholars of God who know, even if they are not messengers or prophets, then they are clear from their Lord in their knowledge of Him and what came from Him .

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Likewise, He described Himself with many of the attributes of created beings, such as the coming, coming, and manifestation of things, borders, veils, faces, eyes, eyes, hands, contentment, hatred, anger, joy, rejoicing, and every authentic report mentioned in the Qur’an and Sunnah. The reports are too numerous to count, and no one accepts them except one who believes in them without interpretation or interpretation. Some of the believers consider an interpretation forced upon him by his faith. Look, how honorable is the rank of the believer, and how great is the rank of the people of revelation, as its companions join the messengers and prophets, peace be upon them, in the divine knowledge bestowed upon them, because the scholars are the heirs of the prophets, and they did not inherit a dinar or a dirham, but rather inherited knowledge .

p> He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, says, “We, the prophets, do not inherit anything from us. What we leave behind is charity.

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As for the inversion of facts, there is no disagreement among rational people that the evidence of the deficient mind is not in terms of its thought and consideration, not in terms of its faith and acceptance, since no one is wiser than the messengers and the people of God. Indeed, objects do not invert reality in themselves, and the attributes and symptoms are in the doctrine of those who say they are. Existing objects do not exist by themselves, and they must have a place that is self-existent or not self-existent, but it is self-existent and must exist. An example of the first is black, for example, or any color it is. It does not exist except in a place in which the black is said to be black. An example of the second is like bright black, for example. Black is the bright, so it is an adjective. It has a verbal meaning, or it does not exist by itself, but it does exist by itself, and this is a matter of disagreement among theorists. Does the meaning depend on the meaning? Whoev

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Prophetic news was reported that contradicts all of this, despite the fact that we are unanimously agreed that deeds are symptoms or lineages.

The Lawgiver, who is the truthful one and the one with correct knowledge and clear revelation, said that death will be brought on the Day of Resurrection in the form of a salty ram that people will recognize and will not deny. Someone slaughters between Paradise and Hell. It was narrated that Yahya, peace be upon him, was the one who laid him down and slaughtered him with a blade in his hand while people were looking at him.

It was also mentioned in the report that a person’s work goes with him into his grave in a good or bad form, and his companion asks him and says, “I am your work.” And the one who withholds zakat, his wealth is given to him, he is brave, I knock two raisins for him.

And the likes of this in the Sharia are innumerable. As for the believers, they believe in all of this without interpretation, an

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And after we have explained to you these matters and the ranks of people in them, they are part of this chapter that we are dealing with. Know that there are nothing but entities created by God Almighty as His bounty upon them, subsisting by themselves, and everything by which they are described are attributions and additions between them and the truth in terms of what they have described. So if He creates the Creator, it is said. In it, He is able to create, and if He had not created that, He would not have been created. And if He singled out the possible with one thing rather than another, which it is permissible for Him to do, it is said that He is willing, and if He had not done that, He would not have singled it out for this and not another. And the reason for all of this is that you give Him the reality of the possible, for the possible things give these ratios, so understand if you have a heart, divine insight, and revelation. Rahmani

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We have stated in the chapter before this that the sciences are acquired from different methods, which are hearing, sight, smell, touch, taste, and the mind, in terms of its necessities, which is what it perceives by itself without any other power, and also in terms of its correct thought, which is due to the methods of the senses or necessities and axioms


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