The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The sale is valid and the purchase is valid, and if he does not agree, then the buyer has the option if he wishes, and if he is killed while traveling on the road, it will be in the seller’s bag, not in the buyer’s bag. This market is hypocrisy, except that the road is very dangerous. There are many thieves on it, so thieves on the travel road are in reasonable doubts, and thieves on the travel road are in Interpretation projects, especially in similarities, and the traveler does not have to be on these two roads or on one of them. Whoever has no interpretation or suspicion is not a traveler, rather he is at home from the beginning, and travelers pass by him, and this is what God presents to him regarding the conditions of His servants. He is like a shop merchant, goods come to him from all sides. Besides, just as they are the people of Mecca, the fruits of everything are collected for them as sustenance from Him, Glory be to Him, and most of them do not know that. The shop mercha

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Hearts are in fear with good deeds*** and when they meet them they are ashamed

So the servant hastens to please his master *** because he created man from a calf

So his nature hastens and thoughts please him *** So he never sees or walks Slowly

Racing is a matter for men. So whoever raises money against another man will raise money against another man .

God Almighty said Among the heirs, and among them is the one who precedes in good deeds... That is the great virtue. The pronoun is he who refers to the precedence indicated by the active participle .

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Know that the reason for their fear is God’s saying about them “those who give” and He made here what means “the one who” then came and stayed after what he said and his words were true, so fear overtook them when they decided that the claim must be made against them in what they brought of obedience to God, so God would reveal to them if they feared and were terrified of that. And God replaced the word “what” with the meaning of “what” with the word “what” which is negated, such as the Almighty’s saying, “And you did not throw when you threw, but God did throw.” Thus, his revelation here is for the sake of what they give what they brought, but God brought it, so He placed them in the same position as Himself in the good deeds they brought, then they looked at their mention for the reasoning, which is God Almighty says, “Indeed, to their Lord we will return for what they brought, even though God is God.”

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