The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The believer is the one who is given security in the truth because of it he adds to it what his majesty does not deserve to be described with, as God Almighty has mentioned, that this does not have a quality like humiliation or lack, and this is the highest level of describing the servant as a believer. The believer is also the one who gives security to the souls of the world by conveying their rights to them. Understanding He is safe from him who transgresses in it, and if he is not like that, then he is not a believer. Guardianship is shared between God and the believers, and God speaks the truth and He guides the path.

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Except that spending is from the presence of the tunnel *** For it has two doors in everything He created

So sustenance comes to him through the door of his unseen *** And that door has no door, so it applies

It is still open in every situation *** Because his name is Al-Fattah, he has no closure.

If a person spends, God will leave behind. *** Do not despair, for time is consistent with time.

And if a person closes the door to his giving*** the Lord of generosity will reward him with generosity if he agrees.

And if When a person closes the door to his gifts *** that is God’s closing, when it closes

and closes it if He wishes, then the ma

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God Almighty said: No, indeed, a person becomes arrogant if he sees that he has become wealthy, and the door of giving is closed for him because of the fear of poverty that has been placed in his heart. If he gives, then he becomes arrogant in his wealth in the very sight of his poverty. If he gives what he has become wealthy, he becomes poor and despised, so the rich is still afraid and the poor is still seeking. Hope is for the poor, for he hopes for wealth, and fear is for the rich, for he fears poverty. So whatever you spend of anything, God will replace it with His identity, so He will replace it with the opening of the yā’, for he does not spend until he witnesses the compensation. And this is their saying: “Whoever is certain of the successor will be generous with the gifts. ” So no one spends except out of wealth. Because the servant is poor in essence and rich in honor, and it would have been better for him to be rich in essence because he is the disposer of whoever dispo

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And know that no one accepts spending except the one who initiates it, for spending is a detriment and no one destroys except the one who initiates it, and everything is destroyed except for it. So whoever destroys something, he has lost it, and if he loses it, he does not find it, and if he does not find it, he finds God with him, so he replaces it, just as he returned to the pronoun on the thing from He succeeds him, and no one succeeds anyone but someone like him, not himself, then he is not him. And if it is not him and there must be a successor, then God succeeds him in his presence, which is his saying, and God is found with him, so where causes cease, there God is present. And when harm befalls you in the sea, those whom you call upon except Him are lost, and the meaning of some of you went astray and was destroyed, and you did not find him. When he was lost, you found only God.

The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said in his supplication

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