The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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Throne nor to the lowest heaven, and when

The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, told that God says in this descent to the lowest heaven, “Is there anyone who repents, so I may repent to him? Is there anyone who seeks forgiveness, so forgive him?” He asks, so I give him . Is there anyone who needs it, so I answer him?

This is all out of His mercy and kindness, and this is the reality of the Name, the Most Merciful, which ascended to the Throne, so this attribute was descended with the Name, the Lord, to the lowest heaven. It is what we have informed you of. Every divine name includes the ruling for all names. Divine insofar as the name is one.

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So the holder of this station knows from this divine and heavenly descent what is specific to the name of the Most Merciful, from which He said, “Is there anyone who repents, is there anyone who seeks forgiveness?” for the Most Merciful seeks this saying without a doubt. This is a coincidence. The holder of this position does not know from this descent without intermediary, and he knows the Lord’s descent from the blind. To heaven through the name of the Most Gracious, because the name of the Lord has no authority over the holder of this position, for as we said, the name of the Most Gracious, no matter is known from the name of the Lord or anything else except by the name of the Most Gracious, so he knows then by the Most Merciful informing him of what the Truth intended by his descent from the blind to the sky in this manner, which is his knowledge.

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Then among the things that are specific to his knowledge is the holder of this position, through the intercession of the Most Gracious Name, knowledge.

God’s saying, “Neither my earth nor my heaven encompasses me, but the heart of my believing servant encompasses me ”

So he added the ba’a in breadth and servitude, but he did not take from God, except as much as you give him the yaa in particular, and this includes two knowledge: knowledge of the care it contains for his faithful servant, so he takes it from the name Most Gracious in itself, and knowledge of the secret of adding it with the letter yaa, so he takes it from God by translating the name the Most Gracious, so he knows that what is meant by the capacity here is the image in which man was created, as if he is saying: All of my names appeared except in human creation. God Almighty said, “And He taught Adam all the names,” that is, the divine names by which all the universes were created, but the angels we

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Do not say that this is an objection to its being a copy of the world. Rather, it is, in fact, a comprehensive copy, considering that it contains something from the sky in a certain way, and from the earth in a certain way, and from everything in a certain way, not in all aspects. In fact, man is among the totality of creatures, not It is said about it that it is heaven, nor earth, nor throne, but it is said about it that it resembles the sky from such and such a point of view, the earth from such a point of view, the throne from such and such point of view, the element of fire from such and such point of view, the corner of the air from such and such point of view, water, the earth, and everything in the world, so with this consideration it is a copy and has the name of man. Just as the sky has the name Heaven

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Among the knowledge of the owner of this position is that the Qur’an was revealed as a division, not a Qur’an. So if he taught him a Qur’an, it is not from the name Most Gracious, but rather the name Most Compassionate was translated for him from another divine name included in the name Most Gracious, and that it was revealed on a blessed night, which is the Night of Power

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