The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Children, because they are among the remaining good deeds, I mean money and children, if there is good money and a good child. As for the knowledge mentioned in this report, it is what he has established from a good practice. God has made money and children a test with which He tests His servants, because they have a closeness to the heart and they are of course loved, and through them, especially with money, one can attain Things of goodness and honor that cannot be attained by anything other than money prevail over the servant’s nature. He does not stop disposing of his money at a limit, rather he achieves all of his purposes through it. And if Sharia prevails over the servant, he stops disposing of what he has at what his Lord has limited for him, so he does not attain all of his purposes and what is called money. It is only because the heart inclines toward it because of the servant’s attainment, if he is righteous, of all the goodness that he finds with his Lord at the turnin

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The hatred for God has grown, so *** the hatred for creation has grown, so whoever?

He said a word and then did not act on it *** It is beautiful and it is a good speech

God worked it on His creation *** and he does not know about it In every art

of the arts of goodness, so gain insight through it *** into the existence of the universe from the word “kun”

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Know, may God support us and you with a spirit from Him, that God did not add actions to creation except because whoever added the action to it has an inner identity, the essence of truth, so the action is only for God, except that among the servants of God there are some who witness that, and among them are those who do not witness that, so whoever witnesses that and says what is possible. That he was in action and what he did, so he works to be certain as witnesses that the action was not prevented from occurring except because it departed from rational possibility because he did not see a form for it in the fixed eyes that gave knowledge to God, so how can something happen into existence that has no fixed eye and for this reason he added abhorrence to that for God, for this The name brings together opposites from the rulings on names. Among other things, it is indicated by the proof of possibility, and it is abhorrent in terms of proof of possibility. God here is a specific, sp

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