The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

In the form of the possible, and this is why we reproached us in saying that God should not be said that it is permissible for Him to do such-and-such and it is permissible for Him not to do it, and we say that it is permissible for this possibility to be and it is permissible for it not to be, just as if compulsion appears on the part of the servant, it only appears from him in a way of truth, not by himself. Because he is not a slave except by performing the rituals of his master while he is deprived of the act authentically, it must appear in the form of truth if it appears through his servitude, which is doing what he is assigned to do. Therefore, the truth did not say that it is the identity of the thing, but rather said that it is the identity of the servant, so we know that the rule of the servant is the rule of the thing. So the voluntary ruling is more deserving of the servant if it were not for the smells of lordship in it, and the ruling of the obligation is more deserv

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Then God Almighty made in the love of reward, which is the love of dignity, the forgiveness of sins, which is his concealment. He concluded the verse by saying that He does not love the unbelievers and the infidel who covers them, and He Almighty covers sins. So He taught us that He does not like among His servants one whose blessings are concealed. No matter what the blessings were, he said, “And as for the grace of your Lord, then speak and what” He spoke of it without concealing it, and he said, speaking of blessings is gratitude, and when God has bestowed a blessing on a servant, He loves to see it, and the blessings that He bestowed upon His servants are apparent and hidden. Whoever conceals the blessing of God has disbelieved in it, and whoever disbelieves in it, God will make him taste the garb of hunger and fear due to the doing of that, and for this reason God has restricted His concealment to sins, which are the remains that God has left it for His servants so that they

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Whoever listens to the words of someone who is mean to him *** will be rewarded by the beauty of what he says to him

He is the Wise, so who in the universe is His wisdom *** And you are in His universe, then you are part of His wisdom

From you you will hear if you fulfill what you heard ** * Your ears from his statement are in two levels of his foot

The throne divides what the chair divides *** from the speech because of his foot in the saying

< p style="color:#008000; text-align: center"> Indeed, occurrence has one aspect of its origination *** and another aspect that looks from it to its nonexistence

God Almighty said: Whatever comes to them of remembrance from their Lord is an originator, and God Almighty said Whatever remembrance comes to them from the Most Gracious, is

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Know that this is a warning from the truth that every speech in the world is its speech, because nothing has come from God to us except every newly created remembrance, because the coming occurs without a doubt in the one who is to come, and it only came by the one who created it and it is nothing but the form in which it is revealed in the eyes of the beholders and abandoned. In the eyes of those who see it, there is nothing but a listener, a speaker, a speaker, someone who is said to him, someone who is said by him, and someone who is said, and all of them are good, except that it is between good and better. So every speech is good, and whatever agrees with the purpose of the statement is better, so all speech is good. As for his saying, “God does not like to speak out loudly,” he denied that love should be related to speaking out loud. Bad speech and bad speech is to say in saying that it is bad and there is no one who says it except God. Loudness of evil may be speech or it ma

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