The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Satan causes you to be disoriented by his touch, as God Almighty said, and he obscures you from the eye of understanding, natural hearing, so what has happened to you in your hearing is nothing but ignorance of you. For whoever does not differentiate between his understanding and his movement, how can he hope for success?

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Hearing from the essence of understanding is divine hearing, and if it is received by its owner and he is strong because of the completeness with which he responds, then the purpose of his action in the body is to lay it down and nothing else, to make it absent from his senses, and not to make any movement from it at all in any way, whether he is one of the great or small men. This is the rule of what is reported. The powerful divine influence is the difference between it and the rule of the natural incoming. The natural incoming, as we said, is moved by periodic movement, wandering, and confusion, like the action of a madman. Rather, the divine incoming puts it to rest for a reason that I will mention to you, and that is that the creation of man was created from dust. God Almighty said, “From it We created you, and to it We will return you, and from it We will bring you out, even if it contains all the elements, but The greatest element is dust. God Almighty also said about it th

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When this venerable group saw this difference between natural, spiritual, and divine imports and saw that confusion had arisen among those who claim to be in themselves among the men of God Almighty, they refused to be characterized by ignorance and confusion, for it is the place of natural existence, so their concern rose to preoccupation with intentions, as God had said to them They were not commanded except to worship God, being sincere to Him, and sincerity is the intention, and that is why He restricted it to His saying, and He did not say “sincere” and it is an inference. A person may be sincere in his intention for Satan and be called sincere, so there is nothing in his work for God, and he may be sincere for the company, and he may be sincere for God. For this reason, the Almighty said, “Sincere in the religion for Him, not for anyone else.” To rule the company, they originally occupied their souls with accepting deeds, attaining happiness, and agreeing to the divine reque

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