The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Here you know the ranks of the people among the caliphs, and that the caliphs give preference to one another. The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, “God created Adam in His image, and He did not create him until He ascended the Throne, and none ascended the Throne except the Most Merciful .

And when His mercy spread God Almighty said to Abu Yazid Al-Bistami, and he did not see that there was any effect on it that would remove the general rule from it. He said to the truth, “If the people knew about you what I know, they would not worship you.” And God Almighty said to him, “O Abu Yazid, if the people knew about you what I know, they would stone you.”

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Know that the one who wants to designate among his servants someone who will take his place must cover him with his characteristic and attribute, so the caliph is the apparent one, and the one whom the hidden one appoints as his successor will be the likes of the norms, his inner being has mercy in him because he is the truth whose mercy has overcome his wrath, and the outer one before him is torment, so what is the torment in its outward appearance, but rather the torment? He accepts it, so he sees it as a precedent among those over whom he appointed successors, and the truth has set limits for him to deal with them, so that if he fulfills them in the eyes of the believer and is praised, he will not be criticized for it, just as it is not addressed to those who appointed him as successors. So whoever obeys the Messenger has obeyed God, and no one will criticize him except those who do not know him and do not know God, so the merciful among us is the one who is merciful. He has tw

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