The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

To others, God Almighty said: When He mentioned the prophets, those are those whom God guided, so He followed His example. And their guidance was not mentioned to him except by revelation through the mediation of a spirit, and the other man is a man who is harsh in judging reports, and as for other than that, it does not happen, and despite this, it has not reached us from any of them. Disagreement in what we mentioned and no agreement

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Also among the origins of this class is that he speaks what he hears, and no one else says that in terms of taste, but those who say it in terms of rational evidence may say that. These take it from a divine manifestation, and others take it from a correct view that agrees with the matter as it is, and it is the truth and its occurrence. The difference in the path, this path is different from this path, and if they agree on the point, which is the goal, then He is the Hearer for Himself, the Seeing One for Himself, the Knower for Himself, and so on with everything you call Him, describe Him, or describe Him if you are one of those who misbehave with God, where He applies the word adjective to what is attributed to Him or the word adjective. For he did not give it anything but a name, and he said, “Glorify the name of your Lord, and blessed be the name of your Lord. And to God belong the best names, so call upon Him by them.” He said regarding the polytheists, “Say, ‘Name them.’” A

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And the one who opposes us says that He knows with knowledge, judges with power, sees with sight, and so on with all that He is named with except the attributes of transcendence, for He does not speak of them in this kind, like the rich man and those like him, except for some of them, for He made all of that meanings existing in the Essence of God, which are neither Him nor other than Him, but are entities additional to Him. Himself and Professor Abu Ishaq made the seven origins, not additional entities to His Essence that characterized His Essence, and He made each name according to what its meaning gives it, so He placed all the attributes of exaltation in the table of the living name, and He placed the All-Knowing, the All-Knowing, the All-Knowing, and His sisters in the table of knowledge, and He placed the All-Thankful Name in the table of speech, and so the True All is every attribute. Of the seven names that are appropriate to it in meaning, such as the Creator and the Sust

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And among their origins is politeness with God Almighty. They do not call him except by what he called himself, and they do not add to it anything except what he added to himself, as God Almighty said: “Whatever good befalls you is from God.” He said, “Whatever evil befalls you is from God.” And he said, “It is all from God.” He said, “It is all from God.” This is in the two matters, if you combine them, do not say from God, be mindful of the wording, and know that the plural of the matter has a reality that contradicts the reality of each individual if it is isolated and not combined with anything else, like the blackness of ink between the tannins and the vitriol, so God Almighty separated between what is from Him and what is from Him. God Almighty says regarding a specific group, and God is good. He adhered to the structure of differentiation and no appropriateness, and he said regarding another group with a certain quality, and what is with God is better and more lasting, so w

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