The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The believer has not attained this capacity except by being in the image of the world and in the image of the Truth, and every part of the world is in the image of the Truth. Hence, the Truth described it as spacious. Abu Yazid al-Bistami said, Concerning the capacity of the heart of the knower, if the throne means the kingdom of God and what it contains of the details and objects of the world. One hundred thousand thousand times, he does not want to limit it, but rather he wants what is infinite and cannot be reached by a range, so he expressed it as what entered into existence, and it forever enters into one of the corners of the heart of the knower what he sensed. This is because a heart has expanded the old, how can it sense the new to exist, and this from Abu Yazid has expanded according to the extent of its sitting for understanding. As for the investigation of that, he says that when the knower expands his heart, his heart expands everything, since nothing exists except fro

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If we had appeared to the thing, there would have been someone other than us*** and someone other than us. Then where would the appearance be?

You are the essence of existence and nothing else *** and that is why I am the jealous God

Do not say, O servants, that you are *** I am here to stay, and you are. Tabour

Every time you are a new creation *** and for this reason you have annihilation and resurrection

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The truth says: There is nothing to which I appear, because I am the essence of all things. I do not appear except to those who have no object of existence. Only possible things see me in the object of their existence. I did not appear to them because they ceased to be non-existent, and I did not cease to exist, so my existence is the essence of my appearance, and it is not necessary for me to appear to them. It's just like this

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