If we had appeared to the thing, there would have been someone other than us*** and someone other than us. Then where would the appearance be?

You are the essence of existence and nothing else *** and that is why I am the jealous God

Do not say, O servants, that you are *** I am here to stay, and you are. Tabour

Every time you are a new creation *** and for this reason you have annihilation and resurrection

" lang="en-GB" /> If we had appeared to the thing, there would have been someone other than us*** and someone other than us. Then where would the appearance be?

You are the essence of existence and nothing else *** and that is why I am the jealous God

Do not say, O servants, that you are *** I am here to stay, and you are. Tabour

Every time you are a new creation *** and for this reason you have annihilation and resurrection

"> “ Chapter Four Hundred and Sixth: On Knowing the Comparison of What Is Appearing to Something That Should Not Be Appearing ”

The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

“ Chapter Four Hundred and Sixth: On Knowing the Comparison of What Is Appearing to Something That Should Not Be Appearing ”

(Check the original text in Arabic ...)

FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 8 من الجزء Four

If we had appeared to the thing, there would have been someone other than us*** and someone other than us. Then where would the appearance be?

You are the essence of existence and nothing else *** and that is why I am the jealous God

Do not say, O servants, that you are *** I am here to stay, and you are. Tabour

Every time you are a new creation *** and for this reason you have annihilation and resurrection


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