The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Among their origins is monotheism, with a tongue by Me that speaks, by Me that He hears, and through Me that one sees, and this is a position that only occurs through the branches of deeds, which are voluntary deeds, for these branches produce divine love, and love bequeaths to the servant to have this characteristic, so this characteristic is the foundation for this class of servants in what they know and rule by. Al-Khidr and his knowledge are an acquired origin, and for Al-Khidr is the origin of divine care for the mercy that God has given him, and from that mercy he had this knowledge that Moses, peace be upon him, asked him to teach him. If you consider this matter that we have mentioned, you will know the extent of the guardianship of this religion of Muhammad and the nation and its status, and that the fruit of the flower is the branches of its legitimate origin for it. In general, it is the origin of Al-Khidr, whom God Almighty thanked His servant Musa, peace be upon him,

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The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said in what he narrated on the authority of his Lord, “God says, ‘Those who draw near to Me are more beloved to Me than performing what I have made obligatory upon them .’

This is the basic principle of performing the obligation. Then he said, ‘And the servant continues to draw near to Me with voluntary deeds,’ which is Whatever is in addition to the obligatory duties, but of their kind, such that the obligatory duties become their basis, such as voluntary good deeds such as prayer, zakat, fasting, Hajj, and remembrance, this is the branch closest to the origin. Then this action results from it, which is the voluntary love of God for Him, and it is a special love, a reward, which is not the love of gratitude, for the original love of gratitude results. All people of happiness in the sight of God Almighty participated in it, and it is what gave these people the ability to draw closer to God through voluntary g

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From this chapter, the Muhammadan who has not developed knowledge of the Sharia is judged by transmission, reading of jurisprudence and hadith, and knowledge of the Sharia rulings, so the person in this position pronounces knowledge of the legitimate ruling as it is in the Sharia revealed from this Presence and not from the Messengers, but rather it is a divine definition and infallibility given by this position. The message has no entry into it. This is the meaning of his saying, “Unless it contains information about it,” for the Messenger does not take this ruling except by the descending of the Faithful Spirit upon his heart or by an example in his witness in which the king appears to be a man. Since prophecy was prohibited and the message was like that after the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, the definition of this person was In what is the law of Muhammad upon him in the world of testimony, if he had been in the time of legislation as it was in the t

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