The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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This is forbidden in the case of the Real, because its essence is not composed of a matter in which participation occurs, so it is in the genus, and a matter in which privilege occurs, and then there is nothing but God and creation, and there is no correspondence between God and the world, nor the Maker and the made, so there is no participation, so there is no genus, so Separation - and the one who permitted this by reason and forbade it by law said, “I do not say that the definition is composed of a genus and a separation. Rather, I say that the question is what seeks knowledge of the truth of the one being asked about it, and every known or mentioned thing must have a truth that it has in itself, whether it is on a truth in which it participates or it is on it.” A reality in which he does not participate, so asking about what is imagined, but what the Sharia stated, so he prevented us from asking about the truth because God Almighty said, “There is nothing like Him.” And

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This we have mentioned is the method of prohibition. As for the scholars who permitted asking about it with these requirements, they are the people of Sharia law among them and the reason for their permitting of that. If they say, “What is the prohibition of the Sharia upon us, we prohibit it, and whatever it is obligatory for us to delve into, we also obediently delve into it, and as long as there is no prohibition or obligation in it, then it is Wellness, if we wish, we may speak about it, and if we wish, we may remain silent about it. It is what Pharaoh, Glory be to Him, forbade from asking on the tongue of Moses, peace be upon him, by saying, “And what is the Lord of the worlds?” Rather, he answered in a way that befits him to answer on behalf of the Most High, even if the answer did not match the question, then that is due to the terminology of those who used the term “no.” He is asked by this except about the compound essence, and it is agreed that the answer with the effect

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As for useful knowledge in this matter, we say that just as He, Glory be to Him, does not resemble anything, likewise things do not resemble Him. The rational and legal evidence has been established to deny the resemblance and to prove transcendence through meaning, and what remains to be done is to apply the word to Him, Glory be to Him, who has permitted us to apply it to Him in the Qur’an or On the tongue of His Messenger, as for giving it to him, it is not without the exception that either the servant is commanded to do so, so his release is an obligatory obedience, and the one who utters it is rewarded and obedient, like his saying in the opening takbeer, “God is Great,” which is a word whose weight requires differentiation, and He is Glory be to Him .

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