The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

A word in which there is knowledge of what appears to be for God and what is for the universe and it appears that it is for the universe and is for God and in it is knowledge of directions, surroundings, stillness and movement and in it is knowledge of the afterlife benefits and in it is knowledge of the reason that necessitates safety in a place of fear. Is that true or not and what is the meaning of home? Is it the case in a person so it is Its habitat is its state or the habitat is outside of the state. It contains knowledge of the causes that cause the existence of illusions ruling in souls, which are forms of divine manifestation. It contains knowledge of what is praiseworthy in asking and what is disliked. It contains knowledge of righteousness and consideration of what is best and of whom it is obligatory to do so. It contains knowledge of promises and threats and with whom it is obligatory to fight according to Islamic law if it appears appropriate. The two armies are a de

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If the scales are placed in the dome of justice*** and justice comes to judgment and decision

A wonderful triangular shape emerges for us *** two sides in a proverb and a side without a proverb

And it must be preferred for its survival *** So something must be done It is supported by virtue

So the rule of inclination is removed when it is level *** and the scale of happiness is outweighed by weight

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Know, may God help you, that it has been established by law and reason that the Almighty, Glory be to Him, is one of the highest ranks. There is no god but Him, God alone, with no partner in dominion, and dominion is everything except God. As for the Almighty having a guardian, then he is not like a partner in dominion, then that is absolutely negated because it is in the same breath. The command is negated by the eye, but as for the guardian, he is present in the eye. He supports God, seeking closeness to Him and concealing himself. Perhaps He will choose Him and draw near to Him, not because of the humiliation that has befallen Him, so He will support Him against those who humiliate Him or support Him due to His weakness. God Almighty said, “If you support Allah,” He said, “And He is the best of helpers.” So he did not say, “If you support Allah,” it is necessary for this victory to happen. But as we mentioned, which is the Almighty’s saying: “And he had no protector from humili

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And know, may God help you, that it is impossible for there to be in information a matter for which the ruling of that ruling is not the same as itself, but rather it is another intelligible matter, for there is no one thing in the same matter in its essence that is not one of the many, so what then is only a composite, the lowest ratio of composition to which is that it is the same. What is judged based on its essence is the unity in which there is no multiplicity .

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And know that the necessary self-composition of the compound that must exist for itself does not cast the blame on it that the observers imagine, because that is in the possible composition in possible things, given the difference in possible compositions, so the special composition in this compound requires a specification, in contrast to the matter that the thing deserves for itself, as he says in the thing. - The one who accepts forms for himself, do not say that he has this by making a cause, I mean accepting forms, but rather he who has by specificity the fact that he has a special form and no other form with the possibility of another form arising from it, then it is necessary

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