The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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It goes away, and the life of the letter remains with it, for the form is managed by only one spirit, and the spirit of that one letter moves to the isthmus with the spirits, so the death of the form is its disappearance by erasure, and this other form composed of two or three letters, or whatever it is, is not the same as the first letter, which was not composed, if Omar is not the same as the eye of Zaid, even if it is like him. As for the verbal letters, they are formed in the air, and for this reason they are connected to the hearing in the form of what the speaker uttered. If they are formed in the air, their spirits perform them, and these letters are still maintained by the air in the air, even if their work ends, then their work only occurs at the beginning of what they are formed. In the air, and after that, it joins all the nations, and its occupation is praising its Lord, and it ascends higher to Him, and the good words ascend, and it is the same form of the word in tha

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These verbal air letters do not die after their existence, unlike the digital letters. This is because the form of the digital letter and the digital word accepts change and disappearance, because it is in a place that accepts that, and the verbal forms are in a place that does not accept that, and that is why they were to remain. The entire atmosphere is filled with the words of the scholar, seen by the one who revealed the revelation. As for the conjured letters, they are permanent, since the presence of their forms is in the isthmus, not in the senses, and their action is stronger than the action of the other letters. However, if the power to conjure them is strong and the one conjured up for them is united and there is no room left in it for anything else and he knows what their properties are until he conjures them for that reason and sees their effect, then this action is similar to intention. And if he does not know what it gives, then the action takes place in existence an

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If the properties of the forms are known, the action occurs with them, with the knowledge of the one who wrote them or the one pronouncing them, and if he does not specify what emotions they are connected to, he does not know that. We have seen someone who reads a verse from the Qur’an and does not have any information, and sees a strange effect that occurred, and he was intelligent, so he went back to his recitation from a close friend to look into it. That effect is specific to any verse, so he began to read and look, so he passed by the verse that had that effect, and he saw the action, so he passed it, but he did not see that effect, so he repeated that repeatedly until he achieved it, so he took it for that emotion, and he returned whenever he wanted to see that emotion, he recited that verse, and that effect appeared to him, and it is noble knowledge in itself, except that Safety from Him is dear, so it is better to refrain from seeking it, for it is among the knowledge that

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And if it were not for light, the eyes of *** would not have contacted the eyes of the seeing objects, nor would they have seen them

If it were not for the truth, minds of *** would not have contacted the essence of things and perceived them

If minds were asked about essences of *** that are different, I would deny them

< p style="color:#008000; text-align: center"> What did she say? We only knew of a self *** that extends the essences of creation that You revealed

The meaning is delicious, and we have letters for it ***, so no matter how much you specify a matter, you mean it

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Know, O intimate guardian, may God protect you with His care, that God Almighty says in His Mighty Book, “God will bring a people whom He loves and who love Him.” So He offered His love to them for their love for Him, and He said, “I respond to the supplication of the supplicant when he calls upon me, so let them respond to Me.” So He presented His answer to us if we call upon Him to answer. Na him if he called us and made the response from slaves, because it is more eloquent than the answer, for there is no objection to Him from answering, Glory be to Him, so there is no point in confirming, and man has obstacles from answering what God has called him to, which are his desires, the soul, the devil, and the world, so he commanded the response.

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