The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

In knowing the poles of prayer, you have intended to arrive, and it is from the abode of the luminous world

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FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 191 من الجزء One

It goes away, and the life of the letter remains with it, for the form is managed by only one spirit, and the spirit of that one letter moves to the isthmus with the spirits, so the death of the form is its disappearance by erasure, and this other form composed of two or three letters, or whatever it is, is not the same as the first letter, which was not composed, if Omar is not the same as the eye of Zaid, even if it is like him. As for the verbal letters, they are formed in the air, and for this reason they are connected to the hearing in the form of what the speaker uttered. If they are formed in the air, their spirits perform them, and these letters are still maintained by the air in the air, even if their work ends, then their work only occurs at the beginning of what they are formed. In the air, and after that, it joins all the nations, and its occupation is praising its Lord, and it ascends higher to Him, and the good words ascend, and it is the same form of the word in tha


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