The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 191 من الجزء One

If the properties of the forms are known, the action occurs with them, with the knowledge of the one who wrote them or the one pronouncing them, and if he does not specify what emotions they are connected to, he does not know that. We have seen someone who reads a verse from the Qur’an and does not have any information, and sees a strange effect that occurred, and he was intelligent, so he went back to his recitation from a close friend to look into it. That effect is specific to any verse, so he began to read and look, so he passed by the verse that had that effect, and he saw the action, so he passed it, but he did not see that effect, so he repeated that repeatedly until he achieved it, so he took it for that emotion, and he returned whenever he wanted to see that emotion, he recited that verse, and that effect appeared to him, and it is noble knowledge in itself, except that Safety from Him is dear, so it is better to refrain from seeking it, for it is among the knowledge that


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